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Friday, May 9, 2008

Week 10

Week 10 and counting!

Been quite tired and pukish (as usual) but the last two days, by some odd miracle, i was feeling great. No sign of vomitting and i ate pretty well. That said, today i was back to my old self and nauseous again. Maybe it was that i slept really early on the two days i felt better. I am going to try that today and see if tomorrow i will be feeling better.

Work is tiring me out even though now i am done with lecturing. The marking of assignments however, has been a huge problem. I can't seem to focus on reading anything (even the newspaper) much less someone's assignment paper. I can't exactly do them during normal work hours because of.. well, normal work. And once i reached home, i am usually pukish and concussed. As for the weekends, I had to drag myself to do the marketing with mook and maid, though it often ended up with me throwing up by the roadside (i get car sick) while they go get what needs to be gotten. After which, i am concussed again for the afternoons till dinner time.

I wonder if all pregnancies are that tiring. Another colleague of mine seems fine and doesn't really puke much even though she, like me, is in the 1st trimester. However, she said she have awful cramps which i am thankful that i don't. Another friend shared similar fatigueness but there also those who don't seem to get so washed out like i am currently facing.

Anyway, mook has been really really good and helpful, such as volunteering to do most, if not all, the housework. I guess he feels really sorry for me everytime he see me run to the toilet and retch/throw up. Sometimes i feel sorry for myself too but i guess its all part and parcel of things so i am still coping.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Saturday 26th April

I brought baby bump to 'listen' to Mayday's Concert (of course, i am doing the watching). Wah.. feeling damn high but also damn tired. Used to be that i could stand and jump for 3 hours straight during their concert, but now, barely 15minutes and i am feeling giddy and tired, so had to sit down periodically. Chewing on antacids helped for a bit with the nausea but the fatigue is something i have no handle over. So here i am watching my idols having a whale of a time but at the same time feeling damn sick and wondering when the concert will be ending.

God, when will the 1st trimester be over?