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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

20 weeks and counting

Today i felt the baby kicking (or punching) and it was surreal. Now i know what others mean when they say its a feeling can't quite be mistaken. When it happened, i was just sitting at the computer doing my work for the afternoon's workshop. All of a sudden, there was this "poke" right at the bottom of my navel area. I nearly slided off my chair. Well, there have been instances over the last 2 weeks where i felt 'movements' but this was much more intense... and strange. Makes me wonder what baby is doing inside my tummy. Exercising?

Everyone has been advicing me to talk to baby. Mook talks to baby everyday by placing his face right next to my tummy (when he is not at reservist, that is). I told him to use a toilet roll as an amplifier so that baby can hear him clearly instead of all that muttering. I am still feeling a little funny having to talk to baby out loud though now is about time that baby is learning to discern different sounds. I do think to the baby alot but i guess it is not quite the same. Guess i will have to be abit more vocal.

Other advice i had recently including playing nursery rhymes and classical music for the baby, as well as look at cute baby pictures (for fairer skins and bigger eyes). But all i have been listening to are my Mayday's CDs (a rocker baby perhaps?) and chinese oldies. As for cute baby pictures... unfortunately i went to watch hellboy instead. It is not sceptism or anything... i guess i am just not a very.. erm.. kancheong sort of person. I haven't wanted to shop for maternity clothes and stuff, or buy baby things. Mook has more initiative when it comes to things like that. I am just prodding along, not quite frenzied by the imminent arrival of baby in 4 months time. Or perhaps the last minute bug will bite only at the.. well, last minute?

I wondered if there's anything wrong with me... not being kancheong that is. Now that all the tests and things turned out fine for baby, i am just relieved and happy. Those are the only things i really worried about. Guess, it could be my personality as well. Since when did i show much remote interest in shopping and buying things? That's why i have mook right? Still, perhaps it is time i take more action and stop being too laid back... maybe baby is also getting restless that i am not displaying some sort of obvious urgency for its arrival. *ouch*