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Thursday, November 13, 2008

37 weeks and counting

37 weeks.. or is it 38 now? Almost 38 i think. Sort of lost count after these days. Yes, pregnancy amnesia has finally hit me.

I am as big as can be. Okie... thanks to those who say that i don't look that big and making me feel better but the scales can't be wrong. All in all, i've put on 15kgs from the start of my pregnancy till now. There may be another spurt of weight gain but let's hope that it just bbump.

Bbump is about 3kg last week. Holding it stable for 2 weeks but that could change at next doc's appt next tues (there was a pasta lunch sometime during the week). But hey, bbump may be out by then! Except, if bbump is really coming, please do it on Monday and not the weekend, cos' mummy wanna go watch Avenue Q on sunday. :P

Family is sort of holding their breath and waiting for me to pop anyday now. I am still going to work (today is my last day since next week will be school hols anyway and i start to clear leave then). Bros will call and ask "Water bag broken yet?". Parents-in-law commented that they are not sure if we will be doing our weekly weekend dinner for the coming sunday (could pop then you know). My mom insist that she thinks bbump as descended though it felt otherwise to me.

So how am i feeling? Bbump is wiggling rather actively most of the time and the tendency is for me to feel a leg (or some limb) kicking out at the side of my waist on the right. Must be quite a tight squeeze. Am getting mixed feelings such as wanting to pop ASAP (but no... not before Ave Q!!!) and worried that once bbump is here, my life will go haywire starting from confinement (mothers from both side will be presiding). Sigh. Doc mentioned that bbump may be a big baby *groan* so asking me to consider epidural.

I am not that gungho anyway so i guess depends on how much i can tolerate first before going to hospital (doc warned to go only when STRONG pain but what's STRONG pain??). If "strong" pain already when i reached hospital and only less than 4cm dilated, i say give me the epi. Cannot imagine cannot tahan already and still more than half way to go. But say if's journey half done, then at least it make sense to 'diong' all the way.

In any case for now, i am still feeling pretty... normal. No funny sensation or anything. Sorted out work things before starting my leave (the reports i have to vet, the minutes i have to write, the emails i have to clear... sigh). Arranged for cordblood to be donated to the Singapore Cordblood Bank. Didn't think to spend $$ and store the cordblood for personal use but since they take donations, may help other people in future. Who knows? Finished packing my bag for the hospital and making sure necessary documents are packed (need real marriage cert or photocopy will do?). Got bbump's room ready but i think the test will be when bbump is back and the taking-care stars.

So... that's it. Just waiting for bbump to pop out. First decision bbump will ever make. That's cool.