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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

1 month old...

On 2nd of Jan 2009, Avery turned 1 month old, the same day of her yeye's bday. We didn't think to have a first mth celebrations since it was so near to xmas, new year & CNY, besides my mom is still sick and undergoing treatment. In the end, we just had a small luncheon at the in-laws where a few of mook's aunties/uncles came by to see the baby as well as celebrated Avery yeye's bday together. Actually felt quite bad not having 1st month thingy for Avery, esp on my side of the family but looking at my mom, i think it is better this way.

Anyway, it is tiring bringing Avery out the whole afternoon to her grandparents' place. Perhaps it was the number of people passing her around, so she was abit cranky and tired (same like mommy). Subsequently, mook and i tried bringing her out, once for a walk near indoor stadium, we barely lasted 1/2 hour because she pooped and needed to be changed (the car was a handy changing room). Thankfully i already had a chance to practicing changing diapers in the car because after her first month thingy at the in-laws, we had to make a side trip to deliver some cakes to mook's great-aunt and Avery decided to let rip a big poo enroute there. Oh well, could have been worse if we were on a cab or bus or mrt. :P

Avery also had her check-up at the PD after her first month. Everything is fine, except for a big pimple on her face. Doc say its normal due to hormonal changes but gave us antibiotic cream to help clear it in case it start to have pus and leave a scar. So far she is reacting well to it and the 'pimple' is clearing. I wonder if the cream will work for normal pimples for adults too.. :P

Currently she is 4.45kg and has grown 4 more cm (55cm) since birth. The double eye-lids we thought we saw seems to come and go and we did not notice any dimples though the grandparents swore that they saw one. Avery is smiling more (often in her sleep) and getting quite alert. I especially like the way she is cooing nowadays whenever she is feeling contented. However, putting her to bed is getting to be an issue since she will either nurse to sleep or pat to sleep in my arms. Whatmore, she has taken a liking for sleeping on her tummy so though people have caution me of it, i am putting her in the prone position but very watchful of her. Good thing though, she has turning her head left and right in the prone position and having pretty good neck muscle development at this stage.

Her feeding times are pretty regular at 2-3hr intervals and she is only waking up once at around 3am and 6am for her night feeds. The jury is still out on whether to use a pacifier for her. I was quite sure that i don't want to use but nowadays, if it will help sooth her, i am willing to try anything since i refuse to buy in to the "cry-it-out" method. If i refuse to apply it to my ASD kids in school, no way am i doing it to my own daughter. Crying will only lead to more stress and withdrawal. And the long-term impact on children is also pretty detrimental to their development. Besides, as a newborn, she doesn't even have the concept of cause & effect yet, hence it is ridiculous to say that she is being manipulative (i.e. to be carried etc) though things may become a routine (e.g. nursing to sleep). However, priority at this moment is to have a happy and secure baby. The rest of the stuff regarding 'discipline', will come later. And i am slowly working my way to develop a better long term routine regarding her sleeping.

It is tiring to be sure. Mook and I looked like pandas while our koala of a daughter (koala cos she enjoys clinging onto me to sleep) continue to poo, pee, fuss, coo, smile, feed and snooze. I am looking forward to the 2nd and 3rd month as she grows bigger and when i can introduce new toys and play. :)