Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

8 months & 2 weeks old

It has been over 2 months since we have arrived here in Melbourne and during this time, my food journal has been growing. Right now, Mami don't need to puree most of my food anymore, just need to mash it up lightly and i will gum the rest on my own. My favourite food is still avocado but i am also enjoying the beef pasta and cheesy veggie stew that Mami has made for me. Sometimes Mami try to let me eat on my own with bits of cheese and bread. I can pick them up with my fingers but it is so hard to get them into my mouth! *grrr* So you can imagine that i am not a very happy baby when most of my food get crushed in my hand or fall to the floor. Luckily Mami is there to help me but i wish i can do it on my own!

This month Mami also introduced yohgurt to me and it tasted so funny! Eeeuuu... i don't quite like sour and yohgurt is so sour! Even after Mami mix it with fruits like bananas! Mami was quite sad that i didn't like yohgurt because she had to finish the rest for me (Dadi also didnt like it. heh heh heh). She was also very sad because i was giving her a hard time refusing to drink much water or milk from the sippy cup. *hrump* I don't see why i have to drink out of that "thing" when i am perfectly fine having milk milk with Mami. But Mami says i have to start learning to drink from a cup and also to drink milk (not Mami's) because when i am older, i wont be getting milk milk from Mami already. *sulk* So everyday she will keep showing me the cup and getting me to drink abit from it. But most of the time i just let the milk dribble out.. heh heh heh.. but i did 'drink' some when Mami fed me with toast soak in milk. Guess i really like bread huh? :D

This month I've learnt a few things and made a few friends. I have started to creep (leopard crawl) around the house and this is so much fun because sometimes Mami will chase after me shouting "No!" whenever i got close to the TV or bookshelf or table. I am not sure what "No!" means but it was really funny to see Mami's face when she comes around and carry me away. Sometimes i will do it a few more times just so i can see what Mami do. The other thing i enjoy doing is standing in my cot or by the sofa. Wow.. you can see alot of things when you are higher up! I also realize it is so much more fun to 'bounce bounce' on your feet than your bum! But i think i still need to practise a bit more because once i pull myself to stand up, i can't sit down on my own again! Hmmmm... a few times i even fell down in my cot or on the mat. *ouch*

When i am not busy moving around, i am busy with my toys. I finally realized what that little green thing can do on my toy toolbench! Now i can play with it all on my own for a while, pulling, sliding and pressing on the buttons. And i figured it all out on my own! Mami was very proud of me because i am not trying to put the toolbench into my mouth now (anyway, it was also too big). Sometimes Mami will play 'hide and seek' games with me using a little ball. Most time it is quite easy when she use 1 cup... but sometimes she used 2 and moved them around! That's confusing! But if she does it slowly, i can find my ball most of the time. Heh heh that is quite fun but i must really really concentrate alot!

Last week i've met a few friends of Mami's with their babies. I made friends with Miguel, and Kieran over lunch and Isabella, Ollie over playgroup. Their mummies are all very nice and baby Kieran and his Mami also came over last friday, and we all went out for a walk at QV market. It was very nice to meet with other babies but most time it is still just me, Mami and Dadi. Mami hopes that i will get to meet more friends soon so that i can have friends to play with next time. I hope so too... :)