Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9 months 1 week old

I am standing! Well sort of anyway. I can pull myself to stand and even started to cruise a little by holding on to the sofa (sometimes Mami will also hold my hands because there is only _that_ many sofa in the house). Mami likes to hold me by my waist and then let go to see if i can stand on my own. Sometimes she counts along before i fall laughingly into her arms (she hasn't let me fall on my bumbum yet.. heehee). The best i can do is 10secs! But i wobble alot too. I think i still cannot balance very well. Mami say nevermind.. maybe next month i will be able to. :)

I still only have two teeth but its okie because i can still chew and munch my food very well. Nowadays Mami don't have to puree my food already and i am having lots of fun munching through sugarless apple/cinnamon muffins...

and also lotsa other dishes like beef/veggie stew, pasta, couscous with soup and salmon/veggie porridge...
I love eating and usually finish up the whole bowl. My favourite is the yummy porridges, esp if Mami add meat to it (very sweet and nice to munch!). I think i am putting on weight but QQ say i look thinner. I think maybe because i am taller? I don't know but the nurse told Mami that i put on 500g over 1 month which is very good already.

This month, Dadi and Mami also brought me to the Botanical Gardens and it was the first time i sat on "Grass". Its green and prickly! Mami laughed and laughed because i didnt dare to move once i was sitting down. *sulk* But it felt so different from my mat and the floor at home!! Mami say she will have to bring me more often to sit on the grass so that i can get used to it. When the weather is warm, she will introduce me to "Sand" also... hmm *frown* i dont think i will like that very much either. :P Anyway, Mami/Dadi showed me alot of things and let me touch them.. like flower petals (nice!), tree bark (very rough), tree cone (weird)... But i dont think i will mind if they make me touch them again.. it has been quite.. ermm interesting... heh heh
After the nice weekend at the Botanical Gardens and just before nainai and ah zhor come to Melbourne with Winnie gugu, I fell sick. Mami and Dadi also dont know why but suddenly i had fever and was super cranky. Actually i dont really mind it because that means Mami and Dadi will carry me AT ONCE when i cry (heh) but it was HORRIBLE when both of them made me drink this "stuff"! Sometimes its pink, sometimes its orange. It taste abit sweet but... so WEIRD!! At first Mami use the spoon but i refused to drink it, thinking then Mami will stop forcing me (it usually works for food i don't like). BUT she didn't stop! She got Dadi to help and he try to put the stuff into my mouth while Mami carry me in her arms. I cried and sometimes i ended up choking and throwing up. I really really hate it! *sniff* I had to drink that every 6-8 hours for the last two days... No matter how much i cry and spit the stuff out, Mami and Dadi just continued giving it to me. Don't understand why they must be like that... but when it is over, they always end up just hugging me because i was so sad and crying so much. Of course i forgive them but doesn't mean i like drinking that stuff... sigh..

Mami say she hope that i won't fall sick again... well.. i hope so too.. yuck yuck YUCK!