Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

10 months 1 week old

This past month I've been very busy because I had alot of visitors coming to see me! We also went out quite a lot. Here's a picture of me with Dadi and Mami at the Tesselaar Tulip Festival. We went with Nainai, Zhorzhor and Gugu when they came to visit us for a week from Singapore. It was nice how suddenly i have so many people in the house to play with for the whole time. Nainai they all also went to see the Great Ocean Road and Philips Island but they didnt bring me along because i am still too young. Sigh. Mami promise that we will go when i am older. Actually its okie... there's always a next time. Anyway, Wabit Jiejie also came to visit me one day and she bought a bitbit bear for me! Now bitbit bear is my best friend and i love to munch on his ears. Heh heh. Aunty Kat also came by one weekend to see me. Mami says that Aunty Kat flies on big aeroplanes to many different countries. Wow... i wonder if next time i will also get to do that. The last visitor we had was Aunty Jenny and after she visited me, she invited us back to her place to play with Isaac again. Isaac also had his hair cut... like me!
Some of the new things i've learnt.
1) Letting go to stand on my own for a short while.
2) Sitting up from a lying down position
3) Crawling on my knees

I love to see Mami and Dadi's faces when i suddenly do new things. They always wonder if i have been practising at night. Speaking of night time, i think i am still driving Mami nuts because i will wake up 2-3 times during the night. She is wondering when will i stop that and just sleep through.. Hmm all in good time Mami! I think i am just busy 'learning' all night so my brain activity is just moving non-stop! Heh heh..

Oh oh before i forget, i must talk about the potty! Hahaha...Now i can sit on a toilet to poopoo!! Really! Dadi thinks that it is a big change from when i was just a tiny little infant. Dadi say i used to poo 6 to 7 times a day! Can you believe? I don't remember it at all! But apparently, once i even poo on Dadi and Mami just as they were cleaning me up from my previous mess! The poo came 'flying' out! Wah.. like some rocket like that. Hahaha! But now i am very guai la... At most i poo twice a day. Mami says i am like Dadi. Very regular. She ask me how come i always poo in the middle of my meals at lunch or dinner. Well, i don't know also. You know, when you have to go, you have to go. So now, whenever i feel a poopoo coming, i will do the 'ng-ng' sound and Mami will bring me to sit at the toilet bowl (of course i have my own special seat on top so that i don't fall down). Initially i was rather scared of it (sitting on a hole is new to me then!) but Mami sat with me (behind me actually) to get me used to it and now she don't have to anymore. I can sit by myself and once i am on it, i will 'ng-ng' and there! Poopoo! And if i dont have to poo, i will just put my hands around Mami to let her know i want to get up. Mami then show me how to wash and wipe hands. Dadi is very happy cos' he say i save alot of diapers. :)

When i turned 10 months old, Mami and Dadi cut my hair. Aiyo... I miss my fringe! I thought i used to look quite cool but now... Dadi say i look like "ah wang" (I don't know who) and quite 'doot doot'. :( Alot of aunties saw my photos said that i look nice because the 'slanted' hairstyle is trendy but.. but.. i still want my fringe back! I really didnt like to cut my hair and struggle alot. Mami say that's why now my hair is lopsided. Sigh... Why can't i keep my hair?

After the haircut, Mami and Dadi brought me to the Zoo... i guess they wanted me to forget about my hair cut. Heh heh. The zoo was quite nice. We had lunch there and Mami bought me a hat because the sun was shining so brightly. Luckily i put on sunblock or else i would have gotten sunburn! I saw quite a lot of animals at the zoo but halfway through i fell asleep (afternoon nap time mah). Dadi say nevermind because he signed up for membership at Friends Of The Zoo. It is free entry to all the Melbourne Zoos throughout the year! I think i will try to stay awake the next time we go. Today we went to Scienceworks which Mami says is abit like the Science Centre in Spore. Dadi wanted to see some Star Wars exhibition... Well, not very interesting for me because i cant really touch anything... maybe i will understand it if i am older.

Well, Gonggong and Laolao will be coming again this week and we will be having visitors again! It is spring time so the weather has been getting warmer so i get to go outside more often too! I wonder where will Dadi and Mami bring me next...!