Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

12 months 3 weeks

I am 1 year old now!

Okie, maybe 1 year 3 weeks old (it is so hard to get Mami to update my blog!).

So what did i do on my birthday?

Mami made me a small elmo cake and i saw my first birthday candle! I also had some chicken rice which Dadi made and took photos with all my furry pals at home. After that, Mami and Dadi took me to the park and we blew bubbles (they blew bubbles and i chase after them la). It was a nice day with great sunshine and i get to spend it to the two people i love most: Mami and Dadi. Of course, i also had all my new presents to play with too! Mami said Dadi went crazy on Ebay. Not that i mind cos' i really love my new toys! Esp the table with singing Elmo!

Then on Sunday, we went on a picnic with Aunty Phyllis, Uncle Mark, Korkor Owen and Korkor Liam, as well as Aunty Wendy and Uncle Laurence. It was another nice day. Mami made me some more cupcakes and egg sandwich. I also had my first mashmellow from Aunty Phyllis! Wahh... sweet!!! After that i watched the two korkors played with bubbles and had fun trying to crawl to the tree and pick the flowers off it. It was another nice day... Aunty Phyllis was suggesting that we should do this more often, maybe next time at the beach. *nod nod* i think that will be really nice.


Now that i am 1 year old has anything changed?

Not really!

I still only have two teeth but Mami say she can see my top tooth is coming out. Hmm maybe that's why some nights i feel so uncomfortable and don't sleep well. But other than that, Mami said she is glad that i am beginning to sleep through the night! Well, i guess i am a big girl now, so have to TRY to be more independent. I still like to drink milk milk from Mami but sometimes i am just more interested to look at my toys, look out the window at the cars or do other stuff! Anyway, Mami will always be there. She say she is like my milk kiosk, or 7-11. Ah.. not sure what is that, but its good! I can self-serve too! Heh heh

These days i particularly enjoy listening to people talking and singing. I found that i can actually 'lalala' along with them and my body seems to move to the music beyond my control! Dadi thinks i am a groovy baby... well, i love grooving! Besides singing and dancing, I also like to listen to Mami make animal sounds, which i try to follow. I especially like the lion's roar. It goes like this.. "rroooooaaaaarrrrr". "moomoo" is another nice sound. It always makes me laugh. Nowadays, Mami will play "hunt for the animal" with me. She will say an animal name and then i had to go around the mat to look for them. I love pointing at 'zebra', 'elephant', 'monkey' and of course, 'lion' *rooarrrrr*. At night, i love to do some reading... sometimes i read on my own (Mami say she dont understand what i am saying but that's because she doesnt understand baby-lish) or i will bring the books to Mami or Dadi to read with me. Mami hopes i will enjoy reading as much as she does. Well, i do.. though i wish Mami will let me read HER books. Hmmm..

Okie... next week i will be seeing Korkor Aaron and Didi Andy when Aunty Angie and Uncle Max come for a visit. We will be celebrating Aaron korkor's birthday too! And hopefully, Mami wont get so lazy and update my blog soon! :P