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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lazy Mami

I am been getting really lazy with regards to updating Kiddo's blog and filling in her thought bubbles.

It is hard to 'chart' her milestones because she just seems to come into them quickly and suddenly. And somedays it is quite hard to keep track on what she knew and what she has just learnt. She still surprises us each day. I guess it is also harder now to think about what she will want to say because she is actually becoming quite her own little person and what a little precocious little person she is. She teases. She sulks. She demands. She wheedles. One minute she is driving me up the wall by fussing for no rhyme or reason, next minute she is on my lap kissing and hugging me, pulling my face with both her little hands next to hers demanding that i kiss her back.

What i wouldn't do for that kid...

She will be starting at childcare next week and I am not sure how she will cope there. She had 3 days in another childcare (we had to switch cos our first choice told us they have a place for her) and was doing fairly well till the last day where she broke into tears when i left. After which, she would always say 'no' with her head on her chest when we asked if she wanted to go play with friends in school. I hope she wont have too much difficulty settling into a new routine. I think she may cry, but the good thing about her since our last trip home, is that she has grown more open and bond easier with adults (instead of being fearful of strangers). She can be calmed pretty quickly if she has a stable caregiver that she can identify with. Hoping for the best...

Since coming back to Melb, she has really started chatting alot and getting quite fluent in Mandarin as well. Just the other day, she actually managed to 'converse' (i.e. answer questions) with her Laolao over the phone in Mandarin. Nowadays, she enjoys dancing and singing to Mandarin children CDs and is quite mesmerized by her own reflection in the mirror (she prances and dances infront of it everyday). It is always funny to watch her.

Frankly, i am quite contented with how she is developing and i guess i no longer look at or look for milestones/development quite so carefully anymore. She is showing me that she has her pace of growing and yes, i am sure there are things she should be doing (or doing better) but i am happy with where she is and she seems happy enough doing what she do. I think that's enough for me. :)