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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kiddo is now officially 3 and a half years old (or as she would proudly declare, 三岁半!)... Over this half a year, she has learnt to write her name, pick up some phonics, read some Chinese words, draw a whole lot and... Most importantly, fully toilet trained! Her personality continues to developed... Pretty nicely. I know I shouldn't be too proud but the fact is, I am... She is really quite a good girl.. Sensitive, sensible and she listens. She is still like any young child who will push boundaries from time to time, or try her luck... But most of the time, it is manageable and I find her such a nice child to parent. It is a blessing for me and Dadi to have her... I know I am gushing about her a bit and perhaps a little unseemly for a mom to do that. And I am really not a super indulgent parent who always think that their child could do no wrong. On the contrary, I am actually pretty firm on Kiddo. I don't know if it's got to do with our expectations of her and our values and parenting style... Maybe that all plays a part.. But I do know, Kiddo is born with a pleasant disposition. Her strengths are her ability to stop and be still.. Evident from infancy. I still remember her at a few months old, sitting there trying to put in pieces in the shape sorter. She displayed a pretty good level of ability to concentrate and perseverance. I think the fact that she is able to stay still and concentrate meant it was easier for me to teach her boundaries and all these other stuff... Intrinsically, she likes doing a good job... And abit of a perfectionist, in wanting things to be right. I remember how she would be upset if she couldn't get what she wanted to draw exactly how she pictured it in her head. Unfortunately, that's also one of her challenges: unwilling to take risk. So unlike most parents I know, instead of trying to curb the impulsivity and boundless energy, I am trying my best to encourage Kiddo to go out on a limb and take some chances. To encourage her to try and accept that "failing" isn't too big a deal, more importantly is how you bounce back from it. It took a long long time but I think letting her grow up in Oz, away from too much rules and conformity, is the right choice for Kiddo. I think in another world, she might be the epitome of a perfect child.. The teacher's pet... But in the long run, learn nothing important that will help her survive other than reinforce all those "structure" which she comes naturally with... Of cos I would still like her to have some of it... After all, it gives me less problems managing her.. But I do wanna take away some of it and see her be a bit more unrestrained, boisterous and adventurous.. Getting into scraps... Taking her chances and flying with it... She is getting there and I think that makes me pretty happy... :)