In 3 months time, i will be 2 years old! Wow! Time really passes very fast.
Let's see what did i learn over the last month...
1) I am now officially a day toilet trained toddler! That means i can tell Mami i need to go peepee or poopoo when i need to in the day and dont need to wear diapers! But i still wear a diaper when i go to sleep la!

2) I can sing alot of songs! And by that i don't mean just the last word only. I can see the whole of Twinkle twinkle little star (also the Mandarin version) and 拔萝卜!I am also reciting about 60-70% of the nursery rhymes and 唐诗 on my own. Mami thinks i am absolutely adorable when i talk in my baby voice and when i try to sing Dadi's favourite hokkien song - 一百万!

3) I can recognize most of the alphabets (capital letters) and count from 1 to 20 (with occasional gap from 14 - 17). I am also counting objects out 1 by 1!

4) I am not afraid to go down slides anymore! I will even ask Mami to bring me to the 'playground' to play with 'slides' and 'swing'! Heh heh i used to be quite scare of these physical activities but now i think they are alright. :)
5) I have learnt what's Mami, Dadi, QQ, 小QQ and my own name!

Over the last month, i had fun going on playdates with Grace Jiejie and Blythe Meimei. It was very nice that Aunty Andrea open up her house for us to play that. She also makes us food and treats us to ice cream *yummy*! I love playing with my friends!

I am also been getting new toys made by Dadi. I especially like Mr Bunbun and i will bring him out with me sometimes. He is very good company and likes to go shopping too! Dadi just got a new sewing machine and i hope i will get more toys from him!
Next next friday, i will be flying off again. I am going to go HK to see QQ JJ, then off to Humen to see 姥姥 and 公公. We will also be going to Shanghai. That means i will be away for a month from Melbourne and all my friends! Well, i am sure i will see them once i get back.. and i will definitely bring back some presents! In the meantime, I am looking forward to going swimming and eating all the good food there again. I am sure QQ and everyone is also looking forward to seeing me there soon!
Till next time! Byebye!
what a far cry from a "little bump"!!
Avery is really amazing. :)
i'm not comparing with my girl, but it's really a "WOW". i think vicky is a late talker. and I really need to expose her to more Mandarin stuff. "tang shi"!!! wow :)
I can't wait for vicky to talk :)
I think we are abit KS abt the whole mandarin thing la.. esp all her environment is/will be english speaking! So guess we more conscientious about doing Mandarin stuff.. and tang shi are great! Rhythmic and rhymes! So are nursery rhymes... she doesnt understand the tang shi but at least she get used to the intonations and flow of the language? That's what i hope la :P
Vicky is talking what! Conversationally, Avery is still speaking in like short phrases (and if she can get her pt across, one word two words..). She just sings in longer sentences cos she is very much into the songs etc.
Both our kids have come a long way from little bumps! :)
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