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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Clothing Anxiety

Geez... i don't know what to wear...

Hmm more like i've got nothing to wear for work. Tried some of my friend's stuff, either too big (for later i guess) or not 'work-ish'. And my mom is not back yet.

Well. Baby Bump is getting bigger and showing. Colleague just came back and said, "Oooo so cute" and pat pat on my tummy. *peng san* Honest to god.. it is not _that_ big... is it? Maybe it is the two Mr bean pancakes i ate this morning :(

Mook has been wanting to take photos of the bump but i am feeling alittle bit down. Gosh, suddenly felt like i am all 'bump' and nothing else. He said it is for 'documentation' and evidence for Baby Bump to know where he came from. Well, not sure what's in it for me really... Do I really need to have reminders of a growing tummy? Perhaps some women might enjoy that, but i have never much like having my own photos taken... esp when they don't look that good. And as if photos are not bad enough, Mook actually would like to VIDEO the whole birthing process (ala more documentation). Why do i suddenly feel like one of his art work? Well, maybe in essence, he does feel like i am. I threatened to bite him if he brings a videocam anywhere near me when i am in hospital. I have a feeling i am most probably going to be not in very good mood during that time.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Growing Bump

Just back from Bintan and feeling like it was too short a holiday. Wish i could say that it was a nausea-free holiday but still managed to throw up like once a day. Not too bad already i guess but the return ferry was a bit rocky at the last 1/2 hour, so by the time i got home, i was getting all pukish again.

In all trip was fun. Not sure if baby bump had fun but it certainly has grown abit. So far i havent had the need to change my warerobe and still fitting into my regular stuff but the last two days, i definitely noted a pretty well-defined bump below the navel. Looks like i will have to start changing my pants soon. Thankfully a good friend pass me some of her maternity wear, and my mom just called to tell me that she picked out some work pants for me from Korea and China. Guess that about settles it for the clothing side of things.

People has been asking me about the gender of the baby which honestly, i still don't know. Doc said it may be possible to see something in the next appointment when baby is after four months old but i guess this kind of thing also depends on baby's 'mood'. As for our preference... aiya, as long as healthy, its okie boy or girl. That said, i think if its a girl, i may need more help because i am not sure if i am the 'pink and barbie' type of mummy, since "rough and tumble" is more my cup of tea due to my personality. Hahaha oh well.. no kids of mine will be playing with barbies anyway (mook did wondered if that will make them more 'deprived' *snort*).

The older folks all said that they don't really mind if boy or girl, but i think secretly they would all like to have a boy. As my dad said, if first child is a boy, that will be a lot less stress for the mother aka me, cos' after all, mook is the only son and eldest grandson of the family. Anyway, this kind of thing not up to us and in this day and age, frankly, i think everyone will be happy as long as both me and baby are fine. :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Week 15

Couple of good news...
1) First trimester screening results came back and everything is fine. Both me and mook are relieve but we are also treating this with 平常心 because this is only one of the many worries and hurdles which we will have to go through. After all, developmental problems can happen anytime during pregnancy, during birth and after birth. Test for toxoplasmosis was also negative. I suspected as much since Ruskie is a house cat who doesnt mix with other felines and the only food he eats is premium cat biscuits. :P Blood sugar is abit low but that's normal since i was still throwing up alot when i did the blood tests.

2) My nausea is 'almost' gone. Hurray! Was throwing up 6-7 times a day last couple of weeks everytime i tried to put anything into my mouth (food or fluid). Now, its mostly in the evening, which means that i at least get to keep my lunch in. With more stable food intake, i am also starting to regain back my weight steadily. Good thing is i haven't had much food cravings. The only serious food cravings so far was once for 豆浆油条 and last night, for roast duck leg. Hopefully i will crave for more healthy stuff instead of all the oily and bad-for-health stuff. I try to eat healthier for lunch and mook has been making me eat fish, except the smell of fish really makes me gag and throw up. Yuck. Looks like those things i don't like before pregnancy, i STILL don't like while pregnant. Hahaha

3) I can finally go on a trip now that my first trimester is over. Mook is booking a short getaway for us at Angsana Resort and Spa in Bintan next week and i am so looking forward to it. Finally i get to chill out and go swimming now that i have more energy and less throwing up (hopefully it will stop altogether by next week). Crossing my fingers! I really need a break i think and so does Mook. Sigh...

Baby bump is 15 weeks old now and at the last scanning, it was 7cm and we could see the baby moving rather actively as the doc run the ultra-sound scanner around the tummy. The baby has distinct fingers and arms, and it was waving the arms about as the doc 'irritates' it trying to get a decent scan of its neck and spine. Heh heh heh.