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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Clothing Anxiety

Geez... i don't know what to wear...

Hmm more like i've got nothing to wear for work. Tried some of my friend's stuff, either too big (for later i guess) or not 'work-ish'. And my mom is not back yet.

Well. Baby Bump is getting bigger and showing. Colleague just came back and said, "Oooo so cute" and pat pat on my tummy. *peng san* Honest to god.. it is not _that_ big... is it? Maybe it is the two Mr bean pancakes i ate this morning :(

Mook has been wanting to take photos of the bump but i am feeling alittle bit down. Gosh, suddenly felt like i am all 'bump' and nothing else. He said it is for 'documentation' and evidence for Baby Bump to know where he came from. Well, not sure what's in it for me really... Do I really need to have reminders of a growing tummy? Perhaps some women might enjoy that, but i have never much like having my own photos taken... esp when they don't look that good. And as if photos are not bad enough, Mook actually would like to VIDEO the whole birthing process (ala more documentation). Why do i suddenly feel like one of his art work? Well, maybe in essence, he does feel like i am. I threatened to bite him if he brings a videocam anywhere near me when i am in hospital. I have a feeling i am most probably going to be not in very good mood during that time.



JungC said...

I saw Sze Wee's first born video.

Maybe I should talk to Wilk about why he should not film it.

grace said...

my bump must be bigger than yours.. i had "clothing anxiety" for a month now.. and that's one of the reason why i hate gg to work. "there's nothing to wear" and i feel absolutely frumpy. :(

i wonder when i will look all nice and pregnant and glowing.

Aurorin said...

angela: beats me why people want to film the whole thing. What's there to see? A mad woman screaming her head off? The all suited up doctor playing "catch"? The slimy wet grey wailing newborn infant?

I bet the only reason guys want to film inside the labour ward is because they need to feel like they are doing "something constructive" and feel all important.. and maybe have something to hide behind when their wives wish to chew on their arms. *rant rant*

grace: i am starting to think that whole nice and pregnant and glowing bit was false advertising. :/

JungC said...

I was spared the mad woman screaming part. The scary part - Enoch didn't cry. Too them a good 10 mins to get him breathing.