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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

26 weeks and counting

Last consultation with the doctor during my 25th week showed that Baby Bump (still no name yet!!) is growing proportionally and having no major issues other than being smaller than it ought to (2 weeks smaller to be precise). I am not sure what kind of measurements norm the machine compared to but i guess Mook and I are still abit concerned.

Generally, i think i put on a bit of weight. 6 months into my pregnancy and i think my total weight gain is about 9-10kg. That's like 1.67kg per month but now i am not sure how much is me and how much is the baby. I am wondering if i am one of those mommies that suck in the nutrients instead of the baby. Eeuch. That's abit unfair since the only reason i am consoling myself for the weight gain is that it is all for the baby. And now, Mook is trying to make me pig out so that baby can grow more (durians being one of the things offered on the menu - eeuch eeuch eeuch!). But i am thinking i might be the only one ' benefitting' from the pigging out and who will be lumped with the excess weight at the end of the day? Me!

So poor Baby Bump, not like mummy is trying to starve you or anything (you should see the look on daddy mook's face directed at me when he talk to you about growing big and strong) but it is okie for you to fight mummy for the nutrients okie? Infact, take ALL of it! Mummy wants you to grow big and strong too, though not via the durian path. Eeuch.


grace said...

what's the weight of ur baby? doc should be able to estimate.

i'm putting the same amount as u.. and for every 2 that i put on in the last 2 month, baby only takes 25%. not exciting. i'm dreading the post-partum weightloss.

Aurorin said...

think we will measure the weight on the next visit. I am also dreading the post-partum weightloss.. will have to work hard then. :P