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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Off our asses, and out shopping.

Well, we are finally on our start to get stuff for Baby Bump. A colleague of mine is going to donate her cot to me (her 3 kids have outgrown it) which saved me some money since it is still in good condition. Was also shopping at the recent Taka Baby Fair. Mook actually made me rush down early at 10am on National day (fair opens at 10) to avoid crowds and pick up the bargains. Baby Bump may grow up as Singaporean as daddy, with that unique brand of "patrotism" but i think i will try to keep it in check.

Mook has sussed out the advert the day before (i think he kept a copy of the advert too) and our main target would be the stroller which is going for $388 after discount (original price is 500 plus i think). After 3 hours of looking and comparing (well, i took a few breaks in between while he carried on), we finally got the stroller that was advertised, as well as the corresponding car seat/carrier. Other stuff we threw in the mix were: 1 Avent electric bottle senitizer (bundled with bottles, teats and whatnots), nursing pads, extra bottles/teats & milk powder container and hypoallegenic shampoo/body wash for baby. Bill came up to over 900 plus just for those stuff. Anyway, by the end of 3 hours, i am just glad that at least it is free delivery and we had two toy xylophones & one bath towel (& 5 chances to win $5000 in a lucky draw) tossed in as well.

In any case, i think that's about all right? Diapers i am sure i can get at Sheng Siong and the likes... Friend did mention about the breast pumps (electric? manual? handsfree??? - the last will really make me feel like a cow) and Mook was thinking of going back to the fair before it ends on the 24th. Sigh. I am tempted to order online (based on friend's recommendation) instead of thronging through the crowds again. Heard that it is cheaper in the USA. Wonder who i can ask to help send back if i order online, possibly Baby Bump's little aunty who is now working in NY. Throwing in Fedex charges, may work out to be cheaper, since the model i saw cost about USD$200+++ . Can't remember who told me that good pumps are going for 7-800bux locally.

Roll eyes.

Well, Baby Bump, you better appreciate all these pumps and strollers and whatnots when you are out here because buying them and spending the money is stressing mommy out. I think just for that, no toys for you for 2 years. *hrump*


leonnie said...

Hey mummy to be, take it easy. Enjoy the journey. Like my sis and bro-in-law put it, most important is for mummy to be happy. Cos happy mummy give birth to happy baby. I think it's true you know, just look at my niece Clara, her smile can just charm anyone. Hahaha :) Stay HAPPY!!!!! Need anything from Aussie?

JungC said...

There is a baby item sale in BigW. I think I did send you the link.

Aurorin said...

No need anything thank you very much to both of you! :)

I think happy to have hand-me-downs :) hehehe