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Monday, August 4, 2008

Week 23 and counting

Mook says that i don't blog enough about baby bump. Well, i did invite him to write but then, i guess he is even more lazy than me. All he really wants to do is to take photos of my tummy but so far, i have been politely declining because he wants to do those Demi Moorish type of photos. *roll eyes*

Anyway, so far so good with baby bump. I am "showing" and i think it is because i have taken to wearing back my polo-tees instead of those 'roomy' shirts. People seems abit shock to see how obvious my tummy is but i think its just that i have been 'hiding' it quite well. Baby is not that big yet and it is not like i am shy to show my tummy, i just don't quite like the 'in between' stage where people can't quite discern if you are really pregnant or just fat. Now, since it is quite obvious that i am pregnant, so it's back to 'flaunting' it.

Baby bump been moving around quite actively at night and i am starting to feel the weight. I wonder how much more 'weight' i will have to carry by the time this pregnancy is over. Anyway, i am back to training at the gym and swimming once a week. My usual personal trainer has been quite good, working on building up my back and pelvic muscles (for bearing the extra weight and of course the delivery). Sessions has been quite relaxing since i can't go beyond heart rate of 140. After gym i will pop down for a swim at the condo... just relax and massage my muscles at the jacuzzi.

Quite the eng eng cheng cheng lifestyle. Hahaha no wonder people tell me to enjoy the pregnancy. I always wondered if pregnancy will bring with it some sense of enjoyable (not that i realize there is anything tangibly enjoyable about it) but it is really to enjoy myself before the endless waking up at night and caring for the baby once it's arrived. Anyway, 船到桥头,自然直。We will see how it all goes.

1 comment:

leonnie said...

Wah, so good to be able to be eng eng cheng cheng. Hahaha...