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Monday, April 11, 2011

Update from Dadi - Development at 28mths

motor skills:

  • not very good with her throws yet
  • very cautious when going about running, climbing and jumping. possibly cos there weren’t that many kids that she can model after. hope the situation improves after she has started childcare. physiotherapist friends noted the need to strengthen those core muscles
  • enjoys dancing around and better with full body coordinations
  • now attempts finer motor movements, like drawing more curves, thread through buttons, turn dials on some of her toys (e.g. wind up toys)
  • seems interested in tracing alphabets/characters from books


  • definitely doing representational play with loads of her own scripting. now she’s into reenacting/modeling adult practices like tucking her toys in bed, making food with playdoh and building playground with megabloks for her toys
  • sings and dances with her toys. enjoys listening to nursery rhymes/music cds. and can be rather insistent on selective tracks
  • imaginative in using of objects as tools
  • enjoys and excels at playing puzzles. able to complete >30-piece puzzles on her own.
  • enjoys painting but seems to prefer playing on the piano. attempts to play on piano with both hands and sing along, often ‘remixing’ songs she knows or changing lyrics to familiar tunes
  • memory holds for about 2 mths (?) cos she cant remember some of the poetry that she cld rattle off just 2 mths back.
  • recognises alphabets but still has yet memorised her numbers beyond 12.


  • started childcare 2 weeks back and she’s learning to cope with the separation (when we drop her off). initial wailing/crying/protesting has reduced in magnitude. she is now ‘resigned’ into having to get ready to get off her stroller and wave byebye…no more protest pukings and more explorations and observations of other kids at childcare. hope she will start playing more soon.
  • seems more attached to the mom. would prefer her mom to play and work with her if she’s around. but if she realised that i’m the only one at home with her, she exhibits attachment though not necessarily the same level)
  • does ‘protests’ deliberately (e.g. tries to cry and make herself throw up when she gets really upset) if she does not get her way and can understand that she’d done something wrong


  • talks in complete short sentences, picking up and using phrases and sequences that we use frequently. sentences range from 3 to 5 words in english and mandarin
  • can hold simple conversation over the phone
  • can ask simple question ‘You want?’ ‘Papa take?’ “ermmm we go there?’, ‘papa & yingxi & mama go supermarket’
  • articulates things she remembers and reenacts them with her toys/ found objects
  • definitely in Subject-Verb-Object word order. she understands how to reply by rearticulating our simple questions as her answers and changing intonnations. uses the conjunction ‘and’ frequently, uses some preposition ‘at’, ‘in’
  • can articulate her intentions very clearly bilingually, but has a preference for english. possibly due to her increasing exposure to english in childcare and her mom. i’d still make it a point to converse in mandarin when i’m with her
  • also mashes up her own sentences/speech with ‘phrase-sounding gibberish’, often when she goes into ‘extended’ conversation during imaginative play. other times when conversing with adults her speech is usually understandable
  • vocabulary increasing, often picking up from material on tv and whenever we point out to her things on the go. often correctly labeling physical landmarks/objects/activities with related vocab/verbs
  • repeats to herself some words/phrases that she finds interesting (she is going on about ‘indonesia’???)
  • no discernable ‘accents’ when speaking in Mandarin. general pronunciation issues for her age in both english and mandarin

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