Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, February 2, 2009

2 months old

2-month old now and I've grown! Now i am 5.4kg and mami is starting to find me heavy to carry about all the time. They have also shaved my head, making me look more like a boy than a dainty little girl *sniff*. Worse thing was, now my hair is growing out all patchy. Mami said the 'hairy' part belongs to papa and the bald patches belongs to her. Funny grown-ups. And there is laolao who kept rubbing my head with some funny alcohol thingy. I don't think mami and papa think it works but still, laolao persisted.

Before CNY, papa was attempting to take my photos for my passport. As you can see, I am not really cooperating because it was more fun trying to do funny faces. See bottom left? That's my impersonation of a king-pin terrorist. Fierce right? Bottom right is my "Gah" face. Hee hee, too bad papa didn't use this for my passport. I think the immigration officer would have enjoyed it. Top left is my usual "don't mess with me" look. Top right is my warning face, for when people disturb me while i am sleeping.

Anyway, after a while I thought better give some nice smiling shots for my passport so that papa can stop flashing that 'giant nipple' looking camera at my face. I thought bottom left was pretty good but mami decided to go with bottom right. Maybe cos' my eyes looked bigger in that one or she thinks one eye big, one eye small look is IN.

During CNY, I wore my very first dress that Aunty Winnie bought for me from US. Everyone thought i looked really cute but i am still a little miffed that i have no hair. Here i am with my very first angbao from papa. Mami said since papa gave the angbao, she don't need to give and anyway, she has already given me breastmilk which she say is priceless. I think mami is just being stingy *snort*. For my first CNY, i received many many red packets from all the relatives uncles and aunties. Papa was quite impressed. I have a feeling that this is the first time papa and mami got so much angbaos.

Over the last month, i also started to have some time to notice more things around me. All i remember from my first month was alot of sleeping, people changing my diaper and milk-milk time with mami. But now, i realized that there is a funny turning mobile on top of my bed. Sometimes mami will switch it on for me and it will go round and round. I don't like to stare at it took long because it makes me dizzy as i kept twisting my head a round to catch the next animal going round. The mobile makes music too but i much rather listen to 'live' music, especially when mami sings to me, cos' i get to look at her mouth moving. It really tickles me when people talk near my face and i see all the mouth movements. Makes me want to move my own mouth and make sounds too.

Mami said nowadays i am more 'managable'. I think it is cos' i am sleeping longer now at night. I usually know that mami wants me to go sleep on my own bed when she wipe me down, it becomes dark and she cuddles me close after milk-milk time. It is hard not to feel sleepy when it feels so nice and warm, with a dry diaper on my bumbum. After cuddling for a while, mami will wrap me up all cosily with my blankie and put me in bed around 9pm. Usually, i will have another milk-milk time at midnight (this time with papa and the milk bottle) but i am hardly awake when i drink the milk so can't remember much. Then next time i know, it is already 5-6am.

In the day, I am very good too. Once i finish my milk with mami, i will go poopoo. I finally realized that the 'ng-ng' sounds mami makes means to poopoo. Mami always laughs when i make the same sound as she helps me to poopoo. Papa say i am like him. Very regular. Once i poopoo finish, mami will bathe me and let me splash around in the tub. I like weekends when papa is the one that bathe me, because his expression is very funny when i pee on him while he is cleaning my face. I don't really have a chance to do it on mami because she always clean my face very quickly and then put me in the tub. I still nap alot in the day but i've been waking up more and like to have people talk to me. I also like looking out the windows where it is bright and being carried around for walks. Laolao thinks mami spoilt me by carrying me too much but she and gonggong carries me alot too. Heh heh.

This month is also the first time i saw my QQs and Aunty Winnie. QQs are mami's brothers. There is the Big QQ who likes to talk to me and put my photos on his own msn. He works in HK and always ask papa if got new photo of me on flicker. There is Small QQ who works in China. He doesn't talk to me much but he bought me cute chinese shoes and click his fingers to entertain me when i am bored in the car. Both my QQs don't dare to carry me, unlike Aunty Winnie who is papa's sister. She is very pretty and she bought me alot of pretty clothes. Aunty Winnie works in NY which is very far away so sometimes papa will show me to Aunty Winnie using his computer. Like Big QQ, Aunty Winnie also like to look at my photos on flicker.

*yawns* I think i need another nap already but first i want my milk-milk time with mami. I feel so comfy being cuddled to drink my milk. Mami say i'm the cutest when drinking milk and sighing contently. Maybe if i am good, she may bring me out go walkwalk later when i wake up.. *yawnnnsss* *sigh*

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