Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 16, 2009

3 months old (plus a bit more)

3 and a half months old now and at the last weigh-in, i was 5.7kg and 58cm which doctor said that i am just nice on the 50 percentile. Not big Not small though i can't say the same for my eyes. Mami and Dadi has been looking at me very closely these days and kept saying that i have one eye big (Left) and one eye small (Right). Okie. The picture above is abit of an exaggeration but you all get the picture la. I think it is quite okie because it shows that i belong half to Mami (small eyes) and half to Dadi (big eyes) mah. Kekeke!

A lot of things happened in the last 1 1/2 months... I have been going out quite abit because Dadi got himself a cool Baby Bjorn carrier which he said had excellent back support. I guess it must be pretty important especially since they all want me to grow bigger. At first my view is always of Dadi's chest and goatee.. it was so boring that i kept falling asleep whenever i go out. But now it is better because Dadi has turned me around to look outside. Wow! So many things to see around me, especially in the shopping centres! All the toys and people! Heh heh it also gave other uncles and aunties a chance to see and smile at me, telling me what a cutie i am *beams*. Mami thinks i am quite heow because i enjoy it so much and love smiling back at them.

Besides going out, i am learning to do a few things. Like reaching out for toys and sitting up to read books with Mami on the Bumbo chair that Aaron GorGor lent me. I have been exploring with my hands and fingers too. I suddenly realized that i can open my hand up really wide and put my fingers into my mouth! Yum!! But Mami is always putting a nappie or bib around my neck because she say i drool so much. Heh if she doesn't do that, i think i will be blowing spit bubbles all day. So fun! BlooOoooopooppoooo..

Oh ya! I am also better on my tummy and is able to hold my head up high now. I was also trying very hard to flip myself around from my back onto my tummy. It took many many MANY tries but i finally made it on the 15th of March. And i did it when Mami was not watching too so imagine her surprise when she went to fill the bathtub and when she came back, i have already flipped over. Of course now she will have to be more careful cos' i may just flip myself off the bed *evil snigger*. Dadi at first didnt believe Mami so i also demo for him today. Heh heh he was very proud though i still need abit of help to adjust my arm because somehow it always get stuck beneath my tummy. Sigh.

This month was also Mami's 33rd birthday on 1st of March so Dadi got me together to 'perform' with him to sing Happy birthday song to her as a surprise. Of course i cannot sing yet but it was the thought that count la. So one more time... Happy Birthday Mami!!!!! *drool drool*. Dadi also got Mami a chocolate cake. Looks very nice but they didn't let me have any... guess i must wait until i have some teeth lor *wistfully*. Oh well... maybe on my first birthday...

I heard Mami telling 姥姥 a few days ago that she is going back to work so will need me to start drinking my milk from a bottle while she is not at home. That made me very cranky because i prefer my milk-milk time with Mami! *frown* I tried to get Mami to stay at home and stop giving me the bottle by protesting and boycotting the bottle. So i cried and cried whenever they put the bottle into my mouth. I know i was abit naughty because i actually don't mind the bottle because i have been using it every night since i was born but I just dont want to have it anymore if it means Mami is going away *sulk*. Mami had to try so many ways and she got me all kinds of different bottles, teats and milk. But actually, i don't care what type of milk or bottles or teats, I just want my milk-milk time with Mami lor.

Sigh.. but in the end i think Mami is alot more firm than i thought because she didnt give in to me and finally i had no choice but drink from the bottle or else i will go hungry. When i finally drink from the bottle, everyone smiled and Mami said that i am a good girl. So now i will drink from the bottle (but sometimes i like to tease them by smiling and not drinking at first.. heh heh) even when Mami has to go out. Anyway, it is not like all the time i have to drink from bottle so it is still Ok.. because i still have my milk-milk time with Mami in the mornings and at nights. If i can, i hope Mami will always let me have milk-milk time with her because she always sings and tells me little stories while i sometimes try to follow by making my own sounds *smiles*.

Well... it is time for bed now. Oh.. i have my regular bed time now and Mami is so proud of me because i don't fuss and will go to bed without complaining or needing people to cuddle me too much. *Stretches* Yawwnnn... maybe i will surprise Mami tomorrow by saying "mama or dada"... Maybe maybe.. heh heh


leonnie said...

Yo! Now that i've got my "baby" maybe i can use it to take photo of your baby. Hee hee...

Aurorin said...

hahah feel free! She is always up for more 'modelling' :D