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Sunday, April 19, 2009

4 and a half months old

"Allo everybody. My name is Avery Tan and I am a pacifier-holic."

That's what mami said, she will be sending me to Pacifier Anonymous soon because i am loving my tutu too much. Actually i think she is exaggerating because i don't need my tutu ALL the time what... i can give it up whenever i want to... eh.. wait. Don't take it away yet.. ARgh! STOP STOP STOP..

Okie. Maybe i am abit addicted but i think i can tahan not having it some time... just dont take it away before i fall asleep.. please?

4 and a half months! I am now 6.6kg and 68cm tall. I thought i am growing pretty big until mami brought me to this place where all other babies were there with their mommies and daddies. Wow.. some of them are even bigger and taller than me even though they are considered my meimeis or didis! Pout. But nevermind, Mami say i still got time to catch up as long as i guaiguai finish up my milk instead of driving poor laolao and nainai up the wall in the afternoons when i take more than an hour to finish up my milk (sometimes not finished even). Mami has been back at work in the afternoons for almost a month now and laolao plus nainai are the ones keeping me company. Most of the time i take my naps but when i am awake, they always have to find some ways to entertain me or else i will 'complain'. Laolao also complain that only when Mami is around then i am more guai... which is not true because i am guai if Dadi is around also.

Mami says that i am a Dadi's girl cos Dadi loves taking photos of me and i love posing for him. Sometimes Dadi will tell me funny jokes or make funny noises and end up laughing by himself (sometimes i really dont understand leh) or i laugh along with him. Dadi is spending more time with me now because he is not working on some days. So on those days, he will be the one who pompom me and feed me my milkmilk. Sometimes he also let me sit on his lap to watch colourful moving pictures and listen to music on his computer but usually i get bored after 10 to 15 minutes. I think i much rather suck on my fingers and go for a walk.

I've learnt some new things in the last month. I can flip from my back to my tummy and now i am trying to do the reverse. I can do it if Mami gives me a little help by tucking my hand nearer to my body. I am also sitting up with abit of support and i can now see so much better when i am upright! I am also having more fun with my little playgym. Wow.. i didnt realize i can do so many things with it. My favourite part is the 'Chicken in the Egg' which i like to spin and open/close. Most of the time i can entertain myself for 10-15 minutes with the playgym while Mami sneaks off to go take a shower. Sometimes i didnt even notice she is not beside me because the EggEgg is so much fun!

Another of my favourite pasttime is to 'Talk **** Sing Song' with Mami. We make the most wonderful sounds together. Now i can say 'Ah', 'Mm', 'Hmm', 'Oo', 'Uh', 'Ya', 'Ai' and my favourite 'WAH'. It is funny when Mami says the same with me and then both of us will giggle and giggle while Dadi wonders what's wrong with us. Heh heh. Last by not least, i really enjoy going out with Mami and Dadi. Yesterday we went to East Coast Park and saw alot of people rollerblading and it was nice and breezy. Mami say when i am older she will bring me swimming but she has to buy me swimming diapers first (she is worried i will poopoo into the pool hahahaa).

We have also been doing abit of shopping for stuff for me like diapers and toys. I think Mami is getting ready to pack them for our move to Melbourne. I've never sat on an aeroplane or gone to Melbourne before so i think will be very exciting! Laolao and Gonggong already brought over 2 full suitcases of my clothing and toys there but Mami say i have so many things, they will have to ship some over because the suitcases wouldnt fit all my stuff. Well, what to do, I am a girl mah, of course must have many pretty clothes. Winnie gugu got so much stuff for me until i think i dont need to buy more clothes till i am 3years old! :)

Oh well... there will be more things to learn this month because Mami is planning to let me try cereal when i turn 5 and a half months.. Ooo mum mum time soon! Hahaha I can hardly wait!!!

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