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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

5 and a half months old

Mami: "Okie baby, Mami's going to hijack your blog to talk about how naughty you are over the last month..."

Avery: "Sniff sniff" *sulk*

Did you know baby, you gave Dadi and Mami the fright of their life when you rolled off the bed the day before you turned 5 months old? It was at our Serangoon flat where Dadi and Mami were packing up and you were asleep on the bed. We thought you were guai guai sleeping on the bed while we were clearing up when suddenly you cried so loudly (first time ever) and Mami's heart nearly popped out when she found you lying on your back beside the bed. Aiyo... you were crying so hard until you threw up all the milk! Mami cried and wanted to send you straight to the hospital. Sigh... Luckily Dadi was more calm and kept reassuring Mami that you will be Ok. We waited 5 hours in the A&E at KKWCH but never got to see the doctor because there were SO MANY PEOPLE! Anyway I think you were okie and didn't have a head injury after all... phew. Next day you woke up and still smile and said 'Mama' so Dadi and I was very relieved. Still, we monitored you for 3 days to make sure that you are fine.

But who knows... just after the big commotion of you falling off the bed, all 3 of us became sick with stomach flu. Aiyo.. within 1 week, so much worrying over you! And for the 2nd time, we rush you to A&E, this time for high fever. We could tell that you must be feeling quite sick because you were so listless and cranky. Mami and Dadi had to sponge you almost throughout the night while both of us were also sick. Those few days were the toughest days so far since you came into our life. It was NOT easy giving you medicine every few hours because you cried each time and sometimes until you throw up then we had to give the medicine all over again.. You cannot imagine our happiness when your fever finally stopped and you finally could sleep well again. Anyway, we all survived as a family and i think after this, Mami and Dadi also became more confident in taking care of you the next time in Melbourne.
Okie la.. besides all this 'pain' we had over the month.. we also had some 'fun' moments... you were babbling "Mama" and "Papa" and made us so proud! Dadi said when you were sick and babbled "Papapapa" so pathetically, his heart was really painful. But funny, how after you recovered, you seemed to have stopped saying "Mama" and "Papa"... now you laugh and scream alot. Sometimes you go "WAH" really loudly and make us wonder what's so funny.

Around 5 months old, you also started to suck your toes! Yay! Another milestone for you! Auntie Fiona and Auntie Azmah (Mami's occupational therapist colleagues) thought you were wonderful. Of course, now Mami has to really watch out for you rolling smoothly (No more being alone on the bed missy!). Oh! Let's not forget that you are also starting to sit on your own, supporting yourself with your hands. Well, you are still learning and sometimes topple over but Mami is happy that you want to try to sit by yourself and will also lift your hands up to balance yourself. Hahaha, for 10-20seconds, you would sit so nicely and balance so well! Good job darling!!

Well, my dear baby girl... you are going to 6months soon and Mami and Dadi will be bringing you to Melbourne then. We are so busy packing and baby, you really have so many stuff!! Well, let's hope we all get there in one piece and settle down smoothly okie? Hope that you will enjoy it there too. :) In 1 month's time, we will see... okie darling? Be good alright?

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