Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

6 months 4 weeks old

Last week was quite a busy week for Mami, Dadi and me. I met some of Mami's friend and QQ came to visit from Hong Kong! Mami said that i am very lucky that QQ is flying all the way from HK to see me. I also feel very lucky becos QQ is such a fun person! He plays with me.. talks to me.. and carries me around. He also taught me how to make a smacking sound with my mouth. So now when i see him i will always make the "smack" sound. That always make QQ laugh. Somemore, QQ has also become my human swing. He will carry me and swing me which is really fun but Mami is abit worried becos she said that she will have to do the 'swing swing' with me now that QQ got me addicted to it. *heh heh*

Besides seeing QQ, I also saw Uncle Alan, Aunty Jennie and their dog Isaac. Mami & Dadi had lunch with uncle and aunty at this place called Footscray. They had Vietnamese beef noodles which they didn't share with me. *sulk* Instead they put me inside the stroller and i ended up napping becos' it was warm and comfy inside. Later uncle and aunty invited us to their house and that's where i met Isaac their dog. Isaac is very friendly and at first i was a little shock when he barked but after a while we made friends with each other! We had a nice time in uncle's house and by the time we got home, i was sound asleep again.

Aunty Angela also came to Melbourne last week and we met her for dinner. Aunty Angela also gave Mami and Dadi a giftcard present... and Mami used it to buy more toys for me. So THANK YOU Aunty Angela!! *hahaha* Everyone had steaks at Hog's Breath in this place called Chadstone. Luckily Dadi had his GPS or else we would be lost! We went to pick up Aunty Angela at her hotel to go to dinner. At dinner, Mami and Dadi had to feed me first becos i woke up from my nap feeling very hungry but there was no suitable baby chair. In the end Dadi had to carry me while Mami fed me. Then Aunty Angela had to carry me while Dadi & Mami eat their steak. Aiyoo... luckily Aunty Angela was very funny and tell me jokes so that Mami/Dadi can eat their cold cold dinner. *Sorry Mami! Sorry Dadi!* Mami say Aunty Angela should come to Melbourne for holiday instead of work then we can go to somewhere nicer. But it will be better if the weather is not so cold. I think Aunty Angela don't quite like Melbourne though... esp the many cars on the roads.

The last weekend we went to Uncle Laurence and Aunty Wendy's place in St Kilda. Over there i also saw Uncle Marc and Aunty Phyllis. They are all Mami's old friends from long ago (way before i was born!!) from this place call IRC. Except Mami didnt quite explain where is IRC. I think Dadi also not very sure. Hmmm.. Anyway Uncle Marc and Aunty Phyllis have two boys.. korkor Owen and korkor Liam.. They are both much older than me so i can't play with them. Uncle Laurence cooked lunch and Aunty Phyllis also baked a very nice chocolate cake. Too bad i cant eat anything... :( Sigh... Mami and Dadi had a good time though.

Well... this week I will have more visitors cos' Gonggong and Laolao is here! Suddenly the house has a lot of people. Mami thinks i am quite 'overwhelmed' because she said i was cranky on the first day they arrived. Aiya.. i have so many people now to 'talk' to so that's why abit more tired lor. :P Anyway... Gonggong & Laolao will be here for 2 weeks but QQ will be flying back to HK this Saturday. :( No more swingswing already... *pout* Mami say the next time i see QQ will be next year... by that time, maybe i can call QQ or walk already. Wahh.. what a long time that will be!! :(

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