• able to imitate movement (will attempt to imitate jump or dance from what she sees on TV and finer finger movements of my hand, e.g. scissors, paper, stone)
• STILL uses toys inappropriately (anything can be a phone)
• recognizes self in mirror (will ‘comment’ on her clothes or parts of herself/ blabber incessantly in front of mirror)
• remembers where objects are located/ person resides (even in abstract terms such as faraway places i.e. Singapore)
• uses objects as tool
• recognizes shapes, most alphabets and numbers
• notices little objects and small sounds
• sits alone for short period of time with book/tv
• more symbolic thinking in pretend play. observed ability to switch perspectives when playing with her plushes
• object permanence fully achieved (she’s been looking and asking for my iphone at all places and at all times!)

physical dev:
• enjoys unceasing activity
• carries objects in both hands
• points with index finger
• picks up small objects with index finger and thumb
• turn pages confidently
• walking independently, sideways, in rounds and backwards
• eager to walk up and down stairs with aid
• some degree of hand preference (Right)
• no longer watches feet when walking
• YET to master jumping with both feet off floor, throw
• can walk fast but yet to transit smoothly from walking to running. improved drooling but dribbles still noticeable at times

social & emotional development
• imitates adult behavior like wiping, cooking, stirring
• solitary play
• laughs when chased
• explores reactions of others
• imagines toys have life qualities
• responds to praise but not so much scolding (been getting her to understand the need to apologise)
• little/ no sense of sharing (never gives up things that she likes e.g. food, toys, crayons) unless ordered by parents
• temper tantrums (crying, saying ‘no’ when she doesn’t get her way and pointing everywhere and sounding very irritable when she’s really tired)
• engages in parallel play with other kids
• hugs spontaneously
• clingy in front of strangers
• communicates her wants ‘i wan i wan’, sensation e.g. ‘pain pain’ / ‘cold cold’
• points, verbally ‘orders’, pulls my finger or tug my pants when she wants something / go somewhere

language development
• expanding vocabulary of about 100 words (both English and Mandarin)
• ’parrots’ last words/ phrases by others
• has good memory. will articulate certain words on pages of some of her books (such as last words/phrases on selected lyrics of songs and poetry)
• manages to sing more words in ‘twinkle twinkle lil star’
• manages 3 word utterances
• refers to self as ‘I’ and ‘Yingxi’, but not quite getting whats ‘me’ and ‘you’ yet
• asserts wants ‘i wan i wan’
• points to named objects (nana – banana) more often
• spontaneous humming/singing/blabbering
• use ’self’ when wanting to eat on her own
• uses some short incomplete (3-4 word) sentences at times
• utter names of shapes, most alphabets and numbers in English while numbers too in Mandarin
• sometimes make connections to words she hears and replies in Mandarin
• will reply in Mandarin if communicated to in Mandarin, likewise for English