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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Green Bean

Yesterday went to another gynae recommended by colleague's mom whose a nurse. Seems like a pretty prominent doc with years of experience. Saw a couple of 'celebs' photos of them and their kids also. Thought the whole experience was not bad, the doc was straight-forward, no-nonsense type but quite fatherly. Was telling mook that he probably will scold his patients if they don't have common-sense or when they don't listen to him. But he was very thorough during the consultation and examination. The terms he used was also very funny. For example, during the ultra-sound, he kept calling the egg sac "baby house" and "bank". Mook thought it was quite cute while i am trying hard not to giggle while i have something sticking up my you-know-what.

Anyway, finally we had a look at baby bump. Now at 6 weeks old, he/she is as big as a green bean but there was a pretty steady pulse. I made a probably silly comment like, if the pulse was mine instead of the baby's and the doc promptly told me that my heart isnt so low down, only a male's heart would be. Took me and mook a split second to realize that the doc was joking. Then it was another round of me trying hard not to giggle while mook gave me a look from behind the doc.

So 6 weeks old and pretty much everything is proceeding normally. Doc gave me some pills to help with my vomitting though he did threaten to put me on a drip eventually if i don't start to keep food down. Also had a lengthy lecture on danger signs to look out for and medication to take should i feel cramps (told doc that i felt occasional discomfort and was immediately told to take those things seriously). Also had Vit B6 prescribed together with the usual folic acid and schedule for another appointment in 2 weeks time because doc will be going on holiday after that and wanted to monitor how i am before that. I think he also wanted to talk to me a little bit about baby's development and screening because of i had a cousin who delivered a baby with down syndrome.

In any case, me and mook is now in the process of deciding which doc we should continue with. The nice younger lady doc who treats everyone like a friend or this older male doc with experience with the funny sense of humour.

Decisions decisions decisions.

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