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Monday, April 7, 2008

Hormonal ups and downs

Morning baby bump...

I think mummy is finally getting the reality of having you inside me. You might be tiny now but you have no idea what kind of havoc you have been creating in mummy's body ever since you found a snug (i hope it is) place to grow for the next few months.

One thing you will learn about mummy is that, she loves food but hates to be fat. Unfortunately, it is in mummy's genes that what mummy eats, usually ends up padding up her thighs and arms (don't laugh, because it probably means you will be the same too). If you look at 婆婆,you will know that the gene breds true from mother to daughter. 公公,on the other hand, is like a beanpole. Daddy Mook has it better because his mommy and daddy (that's 爷爷奶奶 to you) are pretty slim so though daddy mook gets chubby whenever he gets lazy, he usually loses it quite quickly if he decide to be hardworking and go jogging again. So let's hope that you will be like daddy mook in this aspect.

Anyway, mummy loves food and will usually have to diet because of the reasons above so that she doesnt suddenly become like 婆婆. But these days, mummy has not felt like eating much and that's really REALLY rare so she has been losing weight even though she wasn't trying to. If mummy doesnt know that she is pregnant, she would have thought that she was being really sick. You are now 5 weeks old and mummy has lost about 2 kg since the time. Initially it was just a lost of appetite but just today, mummy realized that baby bump has another surprise for her: nausea, which led to throwing up, even if there isnt anything to throw up.

Mummy is not blaming you baby bump because well, i guess it shows that you are there and mummy's body is trying hard to adjust to you growing. Though mummy love to lose some weight but she is a little worried that you wont be getting enough nutrients if mummy can't keep her food down. Guess, that's where the supplements and milk comes in even though mummy usually gag when drinking milk, and even daddy mook is surprised that mummy would drink milk voluntarily (and trying hard to keep it down).

There are other things that's changing with mummy now such as always being tired and sleepy (strange for a late nighter like me), having sore nipples (ouch) and a sudden outbreak of pimples (mummy's complexion is usually quite good). So life's a little topsy-turvy still but i am coping so far. However, i really hope that the nausea thing could end soon. But as i was talking to other aunties who had babies, looks like mummy will have to bear with it for the next few weeks or so. Hopefully by the time you are 13 weeks old, mummy will be able to enjoy eating food again.

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