Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

12 months 3 weeks

I am 1 year old now!

Okie, maybe 1 year 3 weeks old (it is so hard to get Mami to update my blog!).

So what did i do on my birthday?

Mami made me a small elmo cake and i saw my first birthday candle! I also had some chicken rice which Dadi made and took photos with all my furry pals at home. After that, Mami and Dadi took me to the park and we blew bubbles (they blew bubbles and i chase after them la). It was a nice day with great sunshine and i get to spend it to the two people i love most: Mami and Dadi. Of course, i also had all my new presents to play with too! Mami said Dadi went crazy on Ebay. Not that i mind cos' i really love my new toys! Esp the table with singing Elmo!

Then on Sunday, we went on a picnic with Aunty Phyllis, Uncle Mark, Korkor Owen and Korkor Liam, as well as Aunty Wendy and Uncle Laurence. It was another nice day. Mami made me some more cupcakes and egg sandwich. I also had my first mashmellow from Aunty Phyllis! Wahh... sweet!!! After that i watched the two korkors played with bubbles and had fun trying to crawl to the tree and pick the flowers off it. It was another nice day... Aunty Phyllis was suggesting that we should do this more often, maybe next time at the beach. *nod nod* i think that will be really nice.


Now that i am 1 year old has anything changed?

Not really!

I still only have two teeth but Mami say she can see my top tooth is coming out. Hmm maybe that's why some nights i feel so uncomfortable and don't sleep well. But other than that, Mami said she is glad that i am beginning to sleep through the night! Well, i guess i am a big girl now, so have to TRY to be more independent. I still like to drink milk milk from Mami but sometimes i am just more interested to look at my toys, look out the window at the cars or do other stuff! Anyway, Mami will always be there. She say she is like my milk kiosk, or 7-11. Ah.. not sure what is that, but its good! I can self-serve too! Heh heh

These days i particularly enjoy listening to people talking and singing. I found that i can actually 'lalala' along with them and my body seems to move to the music beyond my control! Dadi thinks i am a groovy baby... well, i love grooving! Besides singing and dancing, I also like to listen to Mami make animal sounds, which i try to follow. I especially like the lion's roar. It goes like this.. "rroooooaaaaarrrrr". "moomoo" is another nice sound. It always makes me laugh. Nowadays, Mami will play "hunt for the animal" with me. She will say an animal name and then i had to go around the mat to look for them. I love pointing at 'zebra', 'elephant', 'monkey' and of course, 'lion' *rooarrrrr*. At night, i love to do some reading... sometimes i read on my own (Mami say she dont understand what i am saying but that's because she doesnt understand baby-lish) or i will bring the books to Mami or Dadi to read with me. Mami hopes i will enjoy reading as much as she does. Well, i do.. though i wish Mami will let me read HER books. Hmmm..

Okie... next week i will be seeing Korkor Aaron and Didi Andy when Aunty Angie and Uncle Max come for a visit. We will be celebrating Aaron korkor's birthday too! And hopefully, Mami wont get so lazy and update my blog soon! :P

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

11 months 3 weeks old

So sorry everyone for not blogging for such a long time! Mami has been lazy with updating even though "I" wanted to... (Avery has been really interested in grabbing Mami's laptop keyboard).
I am going to be 1 year old soon! This is an important time for baby because this is the first ever birthday and so that's special! I wonder what Mami and Dadi will do to celebrate this special day with me (Mami: Hmmmmmmmmmmm........). Small QQ came the week before and it was nice to see him again after so many months. I love to crawl to QQ's room to visit him because he also have a laptop and it is always on the floor where i can reach it! Yay! And he also have a PSP which i was eyeing. Hahaha. Dadi say i am a gadget girl. Yessireee... I love Dadi's iphone too because it has my favourite Elmo song on it. "la la lala la la lala Elmo song!" Then there are the sesame street podcasts on Dadi's macbook which are also very nice! I think i prefer these to watching the children's song vcds that nainai gave me. I am so in love with Elmo (Dadi: Then you will like your present. Heehee).

This month, Mami has been cooking up a storm for me. Some of the new things i have tried are, Cheesy Tuna and Pasta Gratin (I love cheese!), Pumpkin Risotto (*Smack lips*), Steam Egg with Chinese Mushroom (I ate it with rice!), Apple Crumble (Sweet!) and Chicken Pasta (Chicken is yummy!). There are others too but these are a few of my favourites. I think Mami has a new cookbook, that's why she is so hardworking. I like these more than i like porridge. Dadi say i eat like an 'ang moh'. Hmmm what's an 'ang moh'? Anyway, Mami say as long as i am eating well, it is okie already.

I am not sure if i've learnt much new things this month. I am still pooing in the toilet bowl and drinking from my straw cup. Mami got me a new straw cup but this is much harder to drink! I think it because the straw is longer. Anyway, i dont like changes. *sulk* Why can't i just keep to my old cup? Sometimes i can hold the cup and drink on my own but after that, i love to fling the cup around and watch the water dribble all over my table. Hahaha. But Mami doesn't like that very much. Oops. I am doing alot of standing, cruising, holding to squat and getting up but Dadi still ask me how come i am not walking. Well, let me just say that, i will walk when i am ready! Dont hurry me please.

I think Dadi will get more headache IF i am walking because i am so ready to let him chase after me while i go around and meddle with his stuff. Already he is always complaining about me pulling my books off the shelf (I love to count them as them fall down) and pressing the buttons on the PS3 and DVD player. Now my new target is trying to get to the kitchen! Dadi thinks he can stop me by putting the shopping trolley infront of it but that's not going to stop me for very long. ESP if i am walking. Hahaha. (Dadi: Nevermind.. i got a GATE already!).

I am still going to the playgroup and sometimes we meet my friends in the park. My friends are all older than me by a few months but i am taller than most of them! But of cos, i am also skinnier. Laolao seems to be abit upset with Mami for not making me fat fat... but then i think taller is better. Heh heh Dadi say he hopes that i will be taller than him but Mami say like that hard to find boyfriend. Dadi say i am too young for boyfriend. Hmmm...

Anyway... I am all excited thinking about my birthday, so much so that sometimes i wake up in the night and laugh to myself. Of cos' that means Mami will have to come tuck me in to sleep again. She wonders how come some days i can sleep through and some days i can't. Well, i can't explain it either. Sorry Mami! Well... hopefully i can sleep through and only wake up in the day. Dadi say Mami is very tired if i keep waking up at night. :/ Well.. i will try la.

Okie. That's all for now. When i write next, i will be one year old! Will tell everyone how my birthday goes.. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

10 months 1 week old

This past month I've been very busy because I had alot of visitors coming to see me! We also went out quite a lot. Here's a picture of me with Dadi and Mami at the Tesselaar Tulip Festival. We went with Nainai, Zhorzhor and Gugu when they came to visit us for a week from Singapore. It was nice how suddenly i have so many people in the house to play with for the whole time. Nainai they all also went to see the Great Ocean Road and Philips Island but they didnt bring me along because i am still too young. Sigh. Mami promise that we will go when i am older. Actually its okie... there's always a next time. Anyway, Wabit Jiejie also came to visit me one day and she bought a bitbit bear for me! Now bitbit bear is my best friend and i love to munch on his ears. Heh heh. Aunty Kat also came by one weekend to see me. Mami says that Aunty Kat flies on big aeroplanes to many different countries. Wow... i wonder if next time i will also get to do that. The last visitor we had was Aunty Jenny and after she visited me, she invited us back to her place to play with Isaac again. Isaac also had his hair cut... like me!
Some of the new things i've learnt.
1) Letting go to stand on my own for a short while.
2) Sitting up from a lying down position
3) Crawling on my knees

I love to see Mami and Dadi's faces when i suddenly do new things. They always wonder if i have been practising at night. Speaking of night time, i think i am still driving Mami nuts because i will wake up 2-3 times during the night. She is wondering when will i stop that and just sleep through.. Hmm all in good time Mami! I think i am just busy 'learning' all night so my brain activity is just moving non-stop! Heh heh..

Oh oh before i forget, i must talk about the potty! Hahaha...Now i can sit on a toilet to poopoo!! Really! Dadi thinks that it is a big change from when i was just a tiny little infant. Dadi say i used to poo 6 to 7 times a day! Can you believe? I don't remember it at all! But apparently, once i even poo on Dadi and Mami just as they were cleaning me up from my previous mess! The poo came 'flying' out! Wah.. like some rocket like that. Hahaha! But now i am very guai la... At most i poo twice a day. Mami says i am like Dadi. Very regular. She ask me how come i always poo in the middle of my meals at lunch or dinner. Well, i don't know also. You know, when you have to go, you have to go. So now, whenever i feel a poopoo coming, i will do the 'ng-ng' sound and Mami will bring me to sit at the toilet bowl (of course i have my own special seat on top so that i don't fall down). Initially i was rather scared of it (sitting on a hole is new to me then!) but Mami sat with me (behind me actually) to get me used to it and now she don't have to anymore. I can sit by myself and once i am on it, i will 'ng-ng' and there! Poopoo! And if i dont have to poo, i will just put my hands around Mami to let her know i want to get up. Mami then show me how to wash and wipe hands. Dadi is very happy cos' he say i save alot of diapers. :)

When i turned 10 months old, Mami and Dadi cut my hair. Aiyo... I miss my fringe! I thought i used to look quite cool but now... Dadi say i look like "ah wang" (I don't know who) and quite 'doot doot'. :( Alot of aunties saw my photos said that i look nice because the 'slanted' hairstyle is trendy but.. but.. i still want my fringe back! I really didnt like to cut my hair and struggle alot. Mami say that's why now my hair is lopsided. Sigh... Why can't i keep my hair?

After the haircut, Mami and Dadi brought me to the Zoo... i guess they wanted me to forget about my hair cut. Heh heh. The zoo was quite nice. We had lunch there and Mami bought me a hat because the sun was shining so brightly. Luckily i put on sunblock or else i would have gotten sunburn! I saw quite a lot of animals at the zoo but halfway through i fell asleep (afternoon nap time mah). Dadi say nevermind because he signed up for membership at Friends Of The Zoo. It is free entry to all the Melbourne Zoos throughout the year! I think i will try to stay awake the next time we go. Today we went to Scienceworks which Mami says is abit like the Science Centre in Spore. Dadi wanted to see some Star Wars exhibition... Well, not very interesting for me because i cant really touch anything... maybe i will understand it if i am older.

Well, Gonggong and Laolao will be coming again this week and we will be having visitors again! It is spring time so the weather has been getting warmer so i get to go outside more often too! I wonder where will Dadi and Mami bring me next...!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9 months 1 week old

I am standing! Well sort of anyway. I can pull myself to stand and even started to cruise a little by holding on to the sofa (sometimes Mami will also hold my hands because there is only _that_ many sofa in the house). Mami likes to hold me by my waist and then let go to see if i can stand on my own. Sometimes she counts along before i fall laughingly into her arms (she hasn't let me fall on my bumbum yet.. heehee). The best i can do is 10secs! But i wobble alot too. I think i still cannot balance very well. Mami say nevermind.. maybe next month i will be able to. :)

I still only have two teeth but its okie because i can still chew and munch my food very well. Nowadays Mami don't have to puree my food already and i am having lots of fun munching through sugarless apple/cinnamon muffins...

and also lotsa other dishes like beef/veggie stew, pasta, couscous with soup and salmon/veggie porridge...
I love eating and usually finish up the whole bowl. My favourite is the yummy porridges, esp if Mami add meat to it (very sweet and nice to munch!). I think i am putting on weight but QQ say i look thinner. I think maybe because i am taller? I don't know but the nurse told Mami that i put on 500g over 1 month which is very good already.

This month, Dadi and Mami also brought me to the Botanical Gardens and it was the first time i sat on "Grass". Its green and prickly! Mami laughed and laughed because i didnt dare to move once i was sitting down. *sulk* But it felt so different from my mat and the floor at home!! Mami say she will have to bring me more often to sit on the grass so that i can get used to it. When the weather is warm, she will introduce me to "Sand" also... hmm *frown* i dont think i will like that very much either. :P Anyway, Mami/Dadi showed me alot of things and let me touch them.. like flower petals (nice!), tree bark (very rough), tree cone (weird)... But i dont think i will mind if they make me touch them again.. it has been quite.. ermm interesting... heh heh
After the nice weekend at the Botanical Gardens and just before nainai and ah zhor come to Melbourne with Winnie gugu, I fell sick. Mami and Dadi also dont know why but suddenly i had fever and was super cranky. Actually i dont really mind it because that means Mami and Dadi will carry me AT ONCE when i cry (heh) but it was HORRIBLE when both of them made me drink this "stuff"! Sometimes its pink, sometimes its orange. It taste abit sweet but... so WEIRD!! At first Mami use the spoon but i refused to drink it, thinking then Mami will stop forcing me (it usually works for food i don't like). BUT she didn't stop! She got Dadi to help and he try to put the stuff into my mouth while Mami carry me in her arms. I cried and sometimes i ended up choking and throwing up. I really really hate it! *sniff* I had to drink that every 6-8 hours for the last two days... No matter how much i cry and spit the stuff out, Mami and Dadi just continued giving it to me. Don't understand why they must be like that... but when it is over, they always end up just hugging me because i was so sad and crying so much. Of course i forgive them but doesn't mean i like drinking that stuff... sigh..

Mami say she hope that i won't fall sick again... well.. i hope so too.. yuck yuck YUCK!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

8 months & 2 weeks old

It has been over 2 months since we have arrived here in Melbourne and during this time, my food journal has been growing. Right now, Mami don't need to puree most of my food anymore, just need to mash it up lightly and i will gum the rest on my own. My favourite food is still avocado but i am also enjoying the beef pasta and cheesy veggie stew that Mami has made for me. Sometimes Mami try to let me eat on my own with bits of cheese and bread. I can pick them up with my fingers but it is so hard to get them into my mouth! *grrr* So you can imagine that i am not a very happy baby when most of my food get crushed in my hand or fall to the floor. Luckily Mami is there to help me but i wish i can do it on my own!

This month Mami also introduced yohgurt to me and it tasted so funny! Eeeuuu... i don't quite like sour and yohgurt is so sour! Even after Mami mix it with fruits like bananas! Mami was quite sad that i didn't like yohgurt because she had to finish the rest for me (Dadi also didnt like it. heh heh heh). She was also very sad because i was giving her a hard time refusing to drink much water or milk from the sippy cup. *hrump* I don't see why i have to drink out of that "thing" when i am perfectly fine having milk milk with Mami. But Mami says i have to start learning to drink from a cup and also to drink milk (not Mami's) because when i am older, i wont be getting milk milk from Mami already. *sulk* So everyday she will keep showing me the cup and getting me to drink abit from it. But most of the time i just let the milk dribble out.. heh heh heh.. but i did 'drink' some when Mami fed me with toast soak in milk. Guess i really like bread huh? :D

This month I've learnt a few things and made a few friends. I have started to creep (leopard crawl) around the house and this is so much fun because sometimes Mami will chase after me shouting "No!" whenever i got close to the TV or bookshelf or table. I am not sure what "No!" means but it was really funny to see Mami's face when she comes around and carry me away. Sometimes i will do it a few more times just so i can see what Mami do. The other thing i enjoy doing is standing in my cot or by the sofa. Wow.. you can see alot of things when you are higher up! I also realize it is so much more fun to 'bounce bounce' on your feet than your bum! But i think i still need to practise a bit more because once i pull myself to stand up, i can't sit down on my own again! Hmmmm... a few times i even fell down in my cot or on the mat. *ouch*

When i am not busy moving around, i am busy with my toys. I finally realized what that little green thing can do on my toy toolbench! Now i can play with it all on my own for a while, pulling, sliding and pressing on the buttons. And i figured it all out on my own! Mami was very proud of me because i am not trying to put the toolbench into my mouth now (anyway, it was also too big). Sometimes Mami will play 'hide and seek' games with me using a little ball. Most time it is quite easy when she use 1 cup... but sometimes she used 2 and moved them around! That's confusing! But if she does it slowly, i can find my ball most of the time. Heh heh that is quite fun but i must really really concentrate alot!

Last week i've met a few friends of Mami's with their babies. I made friends with Miguel, and Kieran over lunch and Isabella, Ollie over playgroup. Their mummies are all very nice and baby Kieran and his Mami also came over last friday, and we all went out for a walk at QV market. It was very nice to meet with other babies but most time it is still just me, Mami and Dadi. Mami hopes that i will get to meet more friends soon so that i can have friends to play with next time. I hope so too... :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

7 months & 3 weeks old

Its has been quite eventful this month for me. It may be hard to see from the picture but one of the most important thing that can happen to a baby my age is happening to me! Yes! I am teething and it is NOT fun! Why? Cos' its really irritating and sometimes painful.. First it was just one little tooth appearing just under my lower gum (middle right) and that made me cried a few times in my sleep for 1-2 days before it broke through my gum. But just as i was feeling more comfortable, the little tooth's friend next to it started to appear too! Now i am having problem sleeping again.. Thankfully Mami is always there to carry and pat pat me whenever it hurts. She also tried to put some gel on my gum (yucks.. it makes me gag) but that only works for a while. Sometimes it helps when Mami gives me a icy cold teether but i still feel that the teething rusk works the best. It makes my gum feels better and taste good too! But of cos' i also make a big mess whenever Mami gives me one. Heh heh heh.

Anyway, teething is a really difficult business for babies. First, it is painful. Second, it makes me drool alot. Hence Mami has to do alot of wiping... on my face.. my clothes.. my toys.. the floor mat. She tried putting on a bib on me but i hate wearing the bib so i always pulls it off. Now Mami threatened to sew one on me permanently but i dont think she will do it la.. Hahaha. But teething is not all bad... because i feel something constantly in my mouth, i am starting to be more aware of what my mouth can do, like making sounds! So nowadays, i am quite 'talkative'. I am also more aware of the things that goes into my mouth. Somethings i can bite and its okie (e.g. like my teether) but biting some other things can be quite painful (e.g. like my plastic stacker)! Mami is abit worried that i may break my teeth but on the other hand, she is quite happy to see me 'biting', 'chewing' or, like she said, 'gumming' my food. This mean i can eat more things that has texture instead of the same old boring 'soupy' or 'watery' stuff!

Like what i've said in the previous post... i am now eating quite a bit of things. On top of what i've last posted, Mami has made me this really delicious Baby Beef Stew for me a few days ago. This is my first time eating beef and it was YUMMY! It has sauted beef, carrots, tomato, cooked in stock, and i ate it with my multigrains cereal. Wow.. even Dadi wanted some cos' it was so tasty. Mami also let me tried honey dew, which i didnt quite like. But i think i might have liked it better if my gums weren't hurting so much during that meal time. Maybe i should try it again. Mami also made me a funny combi meal using califlower, potato and cheese blended together, eaten together with couscous. It was not bad! Mami said she will make me more 'Western' food on top of my favourite porridge because she has a new baby book with new recipes (it's called "Your Feeding Questions Answered" by Annabel Karmel). I think Mami is very interested in the book cos' she is always reading it. Heh heh now i wish my teeth can all pop out so that i can enjoy all the food!

This is me with my 姥姥. Do we look alike? Many people said that i look like a boy, esp when Mami dress me up in pants. Aiya, that's cos' i have short hair mah. See! My 姥姥 also has short hair wot.. how come no one say she looks like a boy?? 姥姥 and 公公 just went back to Singapore after visiting us for 2 weeks. Now the whole house is quite quiet lor. Last time 公公 will carry me in the morning and play with me so that Mami can rest abit longer. Now cannot already. Oh well... 公公 said that they will come and visit me again in 3 months time, so hopefully i can show them more of what i can do. Now i am learning to crawl (Mami say its creeping cos' my stomach is still on the floor) and pulling to stand (Mami still need to help me with this one). So when 姥姥 they all come, i hope to show them that i can do them on my own already, or even more things!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Things i can eat!

Since Mami started feeding me solids when i turned 6 months, i have ate quite a number of different things... sometimes they are mixed together into different combinations too. Here's a list of things i've tried... and how much i like them:

Rice cereal (with FM)- Yum.
Oats (with FM) - Not bad.
Couscous (with stock) - Not bad.
Fish - Yum.
Chicken - Yum.
Tofu - So so only.

Fruits/Veggies (mostly steamed/mashed or pureed)
Apple - Not on its own.
Sweet Potato - Yummy!
Pumpkin - Yummy!
Butternut Squash - Yummy!
Carrot - So so only.
Pear - So so only.
Potato - So so only.
Avocado - Yummy!
Green Peas - Not bad.
Banana - Yummy!
Papaya - Yummy!

Carrot/Potato - Not bad.
Carrot/Potato/Corn - Yum.
Avocado/Banana - Yummy!
Avocado/Apple - Yummy!
Pumpkin/Corn - Yummy!
Tofu/Banana - Not bad.

Porridge (Rice & couple of dried scallops)
with Fish (Rockling)/Spinach - Yummy!
with Fish (Flake)/Broccoli - Yummy!
with Fish (Rockling)/Pumpkin - Yummy!
with Chicken/Corn - Yummy!
with Carrot/Sweet Potato/Chicken - Yummy!

Finger Food
White bread (with Avocado or Banana) - Yummy!
Teething Rusk - Yummy!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

6 months 4 weeks old

Last week was quite a busy week for Mami, Dadi and me. I met some of Mami's friend and QQ came to visit from Hong Kong! Mami said that i am very lucky that QQ is flying all the way from HK to see me. I also feel very lucky becos QQ is such a fun person! He plays with me.. talks to me.. and carries me around. He also taught me how to make a smacking sound with my mouth. So now when i see him i will always make the "smack" sound. That always make QQ laugh. Somemore, QQ has also become my human swing. He will carry me and swing me which is really fun but Mami is abit worried becos she said that she will have to do the 'swing swing' with me now that QQ got me addicted to it. *heh heh*

Besides seeing QQ, I also saw Uncle Alan, Aunty Jennie and their dog Isaac. Mami & Dadi had lunch with uncle and aunty at this place called Footscray. They had Vietnamese beef noodles which they didn't share with me. *sulk* Instead they put me inside the stroller and i ended up napping becos' it was warm and comfy inside. Later uncle and aunty invited us to their house and that's where i met Isaac their dog. Isaac is very friendly and at first i was a little shock when he barked but after a while we made friends with each other! We had a nice time in uncle's house and by the time we got home, i was sound asleep again.

Aunty Angela also came to Melbourne last week and we met her for dinner. Aunty Angela also gave Mami and Dadi a giftcard present... and Mami used it to buy more toys for me. So THANK YOU Aunty Angela!! *hahaha* Everyone had steaks at Hog's Breath in this place called Chadstone. Luckily Dadi had his GPS or else we would be lost! We went to pick up Aunty Angela at her hotel to go to dinner. At dinner, Mami and Dadi had to feed me first becos i woke up from my nap feeling very hungry but there was no suitable baby chair. In the end Dadi had to carry me while Mami fed me. Then Aunty Angela had to carry me while Dadi & Mami eat their steak. Aiyoo... luckily Aunty Angela was very funny and tell me jokes so that Mami/Dadi can eat their cold cold dinner. *Sorry Mami! Sorry Dadi!* Mami say Aunty Angela should come to Melbourne for holiday instead of work then we can go to somewhere nicer. But it will be better if the weather is not so cold. I think Aunty Angela don't quite like Melbourne though... esp the many cars on the roads.

The last weekend we went to Uncle Laurence and Aunty Wendy's place in St Kilda. Over there i also saw Uncle Marc and Aunty Phyllis. They are all Mami's old friends from long ago (way before i was born!!) from this place call IRC. Except Mami didnt quite explain where is IRC. I think Dadi also not very sure. Hmmm.. Anyway Uncle Marc and Aunty Phyllis have two boys.. korkor Owen and korkor Liam.. They are both much older than me so i can't play with them. Uncle Laurence cooked lunch and Aunty Phyllis also baked a very nice chocolate cake. Too bad i cant eat anything... :( Sigh... Mami and Dadi had a good time though.

Well... this week I will have more visitors cos' Gonggong and Laolao is here! Suddenly the house has a lot of people. Mami thinks i am quite 'overwhelmed' because she said i was cranky on the first day they arrived. Aiya.. i have so many people now to 'talk' to so that's why abit more tired lor. :P Anyway... Gonggong & Laolao will be here for 2 weeks but QQ will be flying back to HK this Saturday. :( No more swingswing already... *pout* Mami say the next time i see QQ will be next year... by that time, maybe i can call QQ or walk already. Wahh.. what a long time that will be!! :(

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

6 months 3 weeks old

Hello from Melbourne!
Brrr.. it is really cold now and to keep warm, Mami has been letting me wear thick thick jumpers and bodysuits. Some were bought by Winnie gugu and some from Laolao. We came here 11 days ago on a big aeroplane after saying byebye to Gongong, laolao, yeye, nainai, ah zhor, gugu and all the other aunties and uncles who came to see us off at the airport. It is my first time on the aeroplane but Mami wants me to go to sleep. *sulk* I have my own bassinet on the plane but didn't really spend much time inside because the pilot kept the 'fasten seatbelt' sign on most of the 8 hours flight from Spore to Melbourne. So i slept in Mami and Dadi's arms most of the time.

When we reach Australia, we had to push a lot of bags on a trolley through immigration with Mami carrying me in the carrier. After that we took a big big taxi van to go to QQ's old apartment near the city. For the next few days Mami and Dadi did a lot of cleaning and i was so happy to see my bumper mat from Spore because i can still play on it while they are working. And because there was no baby cot yet, I also spent a few days sleeping with Dadi/Mami in their big bed. It was very warm and nice to sleep between then and i can have milk milk any time i want. When i had my own cot and mattress, Mami put me to sleep in another room next to theirs... i wasn't too happy at first and woke Mami up a few times at night because i wanted a cuddle from her. Still, Mami kept putting me into my cot and try to make my cot nice and cosy for me with my favourite bolster and cute cute toys. After 2 days, i began to like my cot and now when i am tired, i just want to hug my bolster and sleep inside my cot.

Once i am here, Mami has been feeding me a lot of different nice food! I love avocado, pumpkin, potato, apple, banana, pear and carrots. These are usually mixed with my rice cereals and i can now finish one bowl. At first my tummy was not so used to the new food and i had a bit of trouble trying to poopoo. It was difficult and made me cry but after 2 days and some bananas later, everything is ok again. Now Dadi also got me a high chair from ikea and we will all sit down together on the dining table to eat lunch and dinner. Sometimes Mami will feed me and Dadi will feed Mami. Mami always laugh because Dadi say I have to learn to feed him next. Then we can go around feeding one another. I really like sitting down with Mami and Dadi during meal times because everyone will be smiling and talking to me. Sometimes i will laugh and Mami will say that i am very loud.

Mami say it is important for little babies to have a routine. So here's mine:
7am - Milk milk with Mami then back to bed somemore
9am - Wake up with Mami, Have milkmilk & cuddle cuddle on Mami's big bed
10am - Pompom time
11am - Play time on my bumper mat with Mami/Dadi or on my own while they make lunch
11.30am - Lunch time! I usually have cereals with 2 different type of veggie/fruit purees.
12pm - Nap time
2pm - Play time or Outing time (Mami and Dadi will take me go shopping and walkwalk in my stroller)
3pm - Milk Milk time then play time (if at home still)
4.30pm - Nap time
6pm - Play time
6.30pm - Dinner time (same like lunch but with different purees) then sit with Dadi/Mami while they eat
7.30pm - Wipe down and dress for sleeping
8pm - Winding down with Mami or Dadi
9pm - Milk Milk time
9.30pm - Bedtime

Now i can skip my midnight milkmilk time though i may still cry cry abit at midnight or 2-3am but Mami usually just come and pat pat me or give me a bit of water then i will happily fall asleep till the next day. Mami is very happy that i now like to sleep in the cot and i will want to lie down when i am sleepy after she cuddle me for a while.

I don't know how long we will be in Melbourne but so far it has been quite nice because i see Dadi and Mami everyday and they are always there to play and carry me. It may be abit cold so i dont get to go out very much to see outside but Mami promise that she will let me play in the big park next to our apartment and bring me to the beach and go swimming when it gets warmer and people stop being sick outside. Yippee!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

5 and a half months old

Mami: "Okie baby, Mami's going to hijack your blog to talk about how naughty you are over the last month..."

Avery: "Sniff sniff" *sulk*

Did you know baby, you gave Dadi and Mami the fright of their life when you rolled off the bed the day before you turned 5 months old? It was at our Serangoon flat where Dadi and Mami were packing up and you were asleep on the bed. We thought you were guai guai sleeping on the bed while we were clearing up when suddenly you cried so loudly (first time ever) and Mami's heart nearly popped out when she found you lying on your back beside the bed. Aiyo... you were crying so hard until you threw up all the milk! Mami cried and wanted to send you straight to the hospital. Sigh... Luckily Dadi was more calm and kept reassuring Mami that you will be Ok. We waited 5 hours in the A&E at KKWCH but never got to see the doctor because there were SO MANY PEOPLE! Anyway I think you were okie and didn't have a head injury after all... phew. Next day you woke up and still smile and said 'Mama' so Dadi and I was very relieved. Still, we monitored you for 3 days to make sure that you are fine.

But who knows... just after the big commotion of you falling off the bed, all 3 of us became sick with stomach flu. Aiyo.. within 1 week, so much worrying over you! And for the 2nd time, we rush you to A&E, this time for high fever. We could tell that you must be feeling quite sick because you were so listless and cranky. Mami and Dadi had to sponge you almost throughout the night while both of us were also sick. Those few days were the toughest days so far since you came into our life. It was NOT easy giving you medicine every few hours because you cried each time and sometimes until you throw up then we had to give the medicine all over again.. You cannot imagine our happiness when your fever finally stopped and you finally could sleep well again. Anyway, we all survived as a family and i think after this, Mami and Dadi also became more confident in taking care of you the next time in Melbourne.
Okie la.. besides all this 'pain' we had over the month.. we also had some 'fun' moments... you were babbling "Mama" and "Papa" and made us so proud! Dadi said when you were sick and babbled "Papapapa" so pathetically, his heart was really painful. But funny, how after you recovered, you seemed to have stopped saying "Mama" and "Papa"... now you laugh and scream alot. Sometimes you go "WAH" really loudly and make us wonder what's so funny.

Around 5 months old, you also started to suck your toes! Yay! Another milestone for you! Auntie Fiona and Auntie Azmah (Mami's occupational therapist colleagues) thought you were wonderful. Of course, now Mami has to really watch out for you rolling smoothly (No more being alone on the bed missy!). Oh! Let's not forget that you are also starting to sit on your own, supporting yourself with your hands. Well, you are still learning and sometimes topple over but Mami is happy that you want to try to sit by yourself and will also lift your hands up to balance yourself. Hahaha, for 10-20seconds, you would sit so nicely and balance so well! Good job darling!!

Well, my dear baby girl... you are going to 6months soon and Mami and Dadi will be bringing you to Melbourne then. We are so busy packing and baby, you really have so many stuff!! Well, let's hope we all get there in one piece and settle down smoothly okie? Hope that you will enjoy it there too. :) In 1 month's time, we will see... okie darling? Be good alright?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

4 and a half months old

"Allo everybody. My name is Avery Tan and I am a pacifier-holic."

That's what mami said, she will be sending me to Pacifier Anonymous soon because i am loving my tutu too much. Actually i think she is exaggerating because i don't need my tutu ALL the time what... i can give it up whenever i want to... eh.. wait. Don't take it away yet.. ARgh! STOP STOP STOP..

Okie. Maybe i am abit addicted but i think i can tahan not having it some time... just dont take it away before i fall asleep.. please?

4 and a half months! I am now 6.6kg and 68cm tall. I thought i am growing pretty big until mami brought me to this place where all other babies were there with their mommies and daddies. Wow.. some of them are even bigger and taller than me even though they are considered my meimeis or didis! Pout. But nevermind, Mami say i still got time to catch up as long as i guaiguai finish up my milk instead of driving poor laolao and nainai up the wall in the afternoons when i take more than an hour to finish up my milk (sometimes not finished even). Mami has been back at work in the afternoons for almost a month now and laolao plus nainai are the ones keeping me company. Most of the time i take my naps but when i am awake, they always have to find some ways to entertain me or else i will 'complain'. Laolao also complain that only when Mami is around then i am more guai... which is not true because i am guai if Dadi is around also.

Mami says that i am a Dadi's girl cos Dadi loves taking photos of me and i love posing for him. Sometimes Dadi will tell me funny jokes or make funny noises and end up laughing by himself (sometimes i really dont understand leh) or i laugh along with him. Dadi is spending more time with me now because he is not working on some days. So on those days, he will be the one who pompom me and feed me my milkmilk. Sometimes he also let me sit on his lap to watch colourful moving pictures and listen to music on his computer but usually i get bored after 10 to 15 minutes. I think i much rather suck on my fingers and go for a walk.

I've learnt some new things in the last month. I can flip from my back to my tummy and now i am trying to do the reverse. I can do it if Mami gives me a little help by tucking my hand nearer to my body. I am also sitting up with abit of support and i can now see so much better when i am upright! I am also having more fun with my little playgym. Wow.. i didnt realize i can do so many things with it. My favourite part is the 'Chicken in the Egg' which i like to spin and open/close. Most of the time i can entertain myself for 10-15 minutes with the playgym while Mami sneaks off to go take a shower. Sometimes i didnt even notice she is not beside me because the EggEgg is so much fun!

Another of my favourite pasttime is to 'Talk **** Sing Song' with Mami. We make the most wonderful sounds together. Now i can say 'Ah', 'Mm', 'Hmm', 'Oo', 'Uh', 'Ya', 'Ai' and my favourite 'WAH'. It is funny when Mami says the same with me and then both of us will giggle and giggle while Dadi wonders what's wrong with us. Heh heh. Last by not least, i really enjoy going out with Mami and Dadi. Yesterday we went to East Coast Park and saw alot of people rollerblading and it was nice and breezy. Mami say when i am older she will bring me swimming but she has to buy me swimming diapers first (she is worried i will poopoo into the pool hahahaa).

We have also been doing abit of shopping for stuff for me like diapers and toys. I think Mami is getting ready to pack them for our move to Melbourne. I've never sat on an aeroplane or gone to Melbourne before so i think will be very exciting! Laolao and Gonggong already brought over 2 full suitcases of my clothing and toys there but Mami say i have so many things, they will have to ship some over because the suitcases wouldnt fit all my stuff. Well, what to do, I am a girl mah, of course must have many pretty clothes. Winnie gugu got so much stuff for me until i think i dont need to buy more clothes till i am 3years old! :)

Oh well... there will be more things to learn this month because Mami is planning to let me try cereal when i turn 5 and a half months.. Ooo mum mum time soon! Hahaha I can hardly wait!!!